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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon sells out of MGS4 80GB PS3 in 5 minutes! -- T3H Domination Begins??


Ok guys! You WON!

Wii60+DS owner

Long Time Nintendo loyalist

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darthdevidem01 said:

yeah the biggest retailer in Canada doesn't count////right {rolls eyes}

This thread is about Amazon. But yeah. The Futureshop thing does mean something, but as to what who can say until the numbers are released... it's still much smaller then all the Wii Fit things. Which covered much bigger samples.

The point is... amazon doesn't always even seem to be accurate when it comes to Amazon.

I mean... lest we forget Gamecube controllers were listed as more popular then PS3's in the lead up to Smash Brothers brawl... 

The regular gamecube was on the top 10 at one point last year. Were these really selling more? No. Because Amazon's "Top sellers" are BS and they like to screw around with their stock.

Amazon is all smoke and mirrors... unless at some point the Gamecube was selling more then the PS3 and PS2 during the last year.

Basically you can't trust a damn thing about Amazon. They're less trustworthy about how their stuff is selling then microsoft is about it's chances to win the console war.

@ Kasz - ofcourse people couldn't possibly be buying gamecube controllers to play SSBB ... ( since the GC controller apparently > Wiimote for some games. )

Either way this is good for PS3 and its good for MGS4 ...

This thread was great to read, and will defenitly be used in future amazon threads to own hypocrites.

CrazzyMan said:
The bundle is at number ONE. =)

And Lego Indiana Jones Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit and Guitar Hero 3 Wii > than GTAIV on Xbox 360.

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Aprisaiden said:
@ Kasz - ofcourse people couldn't possibly be buying gamecube controllers to play SSBB ... ( since the GC controller apparently > Wiimote for some games. )

Either way this is good for PS3 and its good for MGS4 ...

 Some?  Yes.  More then PS3s?  Unlikely.

More Gamecubes sold then PS3s.  EXTREMELY unlikely. 

Look, the thread starter didn't say anything that should offend Wii/ Nintendo Fanboys....He was just trying to be funny.

As far as this discussion goes, I'm surprised that so many Wii'ers are taking their valuable time out of their Wii Fit workout schedule to comment on the sales success of the MGS4 PS3 Bundle. Please, just post on how interesting this is and how it will make an impact on PS3s so those of us willing to discuss don't have to navigate through garbage posts. 




No offense to anyone by my post above...Just speaking my mind.  

Check us out at the Vindication Gamer Network on Youtube. 

CrazzyMan said:
The bundle is at number ONE. =)

 Why didn't Sony make enough MGS4 bundles? Maybe they are not confident in their product =))

darthdevidem01 said:
@Bitmap Frogs

WOW....I thought I had seen the worst

Looks like Starcraft is amassing an army!

I'm not involved.

If I had been, Amazon would still down.



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Very impressive. If only we had a good estimation of how many bundles they had...