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Forums - Gaming Discussion - best video game sequels

Pikmin 2 hands down. 80% better than the original imo, even taking the originals extra creativity and innovation into account. SMB3 for nes is also a great sequel. I am not sure if it is considered a sequel, but Super Mario World is also fantastic. Mario party 2 is also a fantastic sequal, as is Super Smash brothers melee. Banjo Tooie was a marvelous sequal that was almost as good as the amazing original. I am hopeful that fable 2 will be a great sequal...

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Final Fantasy VI, Earthbound, Half-Life 2, Call of Duty 4, Resident Evil 4.

Shenmue 2

Metal Gear Solid 3 

Metal Gear Solid(it is the third in the seris)


Ssyn said:

Shenmue 2

Metal Gear Solid 3 

Metal Gear Solid(it is the third in the seris)


yeah if you count it like that it is one of the best sequels

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Galaxy
Zelda: A Link to the Past
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Zelda: Majora's Mask
Zelda: Wind Waker
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Super Metroid
Metroid Prime
Call of Duty 4
Half Life 2
Warcraft 3
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Kingdom Hearts 2
Metal Gear Solid
Starcraft 2 (i got to play it, beats original in every way)

Resident Evil 4 

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^those are alot of best sequels

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

if we are talking about direct sequels (right after the previously released one)
SMB3, GTA3, Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, Smash Melee, Paper Mario 2

i'd say mario 64, but i don't consider it a direct sequel to the 2d games