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Forums - Gaming Discussion - After itagaki's resiging to Tecmo Which company do u think Itagaki join to?

My guess is he'll go to Mistwalker: a Japanese company that is so deep in Microsoft's pockets that it's tough to tell where one begins and the other ends.

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he'll form his own studio, Microsoft will then pay him out for a couple of exclusive tittles, that way it's a win win situation for both parties involved

Well, if he gets enough money out of the suing, he may not go back into games at all.

Good riddance, I say.

Considering the fact that Itagaki's basically burned every bridge he could find, his options are pretty limited. I can only see him starting his own studio, since there are few companies that are going to hire someone who's suing his last employer.

Microsoft Game Studios or its subsidiaries.

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I'm sure Microsoft will be after him. They'll see him as a way to garner more credibility in Japan.