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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubisoft quote : The casual audience wants better games

Ubisoft's Games For Everyone executive producer Pauline Jacquey has said that its casual players are becoming more demanding in the games they play.

"When you're reaching out to somebody who plays one or two games a year, it's very easy. You don't need to follow the rules of previous markets," she told Casual

"But as they play more and competitors emerge, you have to rethink the way you do the games.

"The casual audience is becoming more demanding, for sure, and we need to make sure we're proving more than what they're anticipating."

BAM! There it is!
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Yeah and?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Ubisoft is comprised of idiots.

Thank you ubisoft. That is all I asked for. I don't care if you make casual games, but make them good please. The casual market has competition just like the hardcore market.It took you long enough though.

well i hope they keep there word on this one

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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wow and it isn't april 1st. what the hell? so let me say this:
first ubisoft was telling about nintendo quality and release petz games
now they are saying that their games will improve and somehow i think that quality of their future "improved" games will be worse than their "nintendo quality" wii/ds games. is it even possible?

Wait by casual gamers being more demanding do they mean the people who made countless numbers of threads many pages long bashing them? Even on their own forum? I don't think these people are casuals.

I'm starting to think that people who talk about "Casual" gamers tend to have the least understanding of what a "Casual" gamer is ... The "Casual" gamer market is actually made up of several demographics that each have their own hopes and desires on what they want from games. The following is a list of some of the (not mutually exclusive) demographics who are "Casual" gamers:

  • "Core" gamers
  • Social Gamers (people who play games in social situations)
  • Lapsed Gamers (people who used to play games a lot, but don't do as much anymore)
  • (pre)Teen girl gamers (aged 11 through 17)
  • Women gamers (aged 18+)
  • Mature gamers (adults over 45 years old)

This list is no where near complete but it demonstrates why Ubisoft's approach is so bad; their games like Babiez and Petz have content which may appeal to the youger Teen Girl gamers, but they miss the mark with (practically) everyone else. In contrast look at Boom Blox which is selling with the characteristic "slow and steady pace" of a popular "Casual" game and you can see why it is (will be) a game with good sales; the game is a quality and unique gameplay experience which attracts "core" gamers, it has excellent multiplayer options which appeal to social gamers, it has an arcade feel which appeals to lapsed gamers, it has a very "cute" art style which appeals to (pre)Teen girl gamers, and the slower paced (turn based) gameplay which is focused on strategy appeals to many Women and Mature gamers.


radioioRobert said:
"The casual audience is becoming more demanding, for sure, and we need to make sure we're providing more than what they're anticipating."

The upstreaming begins...

bluesinG said:
radioioRobert said:
"The casual audience is becoming more demanding, for sure, and we need to make sure we're providing more than what they're anticipating."

The upstreaming begins...

 Sorry, I don't think Ubisoft is that smart.  Nintendo upstreaming is another discussion, but this is a Ubisoft thread with more confusing information coming from PR.