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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kojima Productions: No 90 minutes cutscenes!

Some of the game leaked out a few days before I actually got to play the game myself and I know I was avoiding spoilers like the plague. I would have been seriously pissed if things were spoiled so I'm doing my best to stay as vague as possible.

As for guessing the ending, I'd be beyond impressed if you truly did because I never heard anyone guess anything even remotely similar to what happens during one particular scene. (The one I consider unfitting). even so this game has so many revelations that you will be going "WTF??!" constantly from act 1 onwards. If Kojima was smoking pot during MGS2 then he must have been living with a bong attached to his mouth the past 3 years XD

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honestly >.> i would like 90 minute cut scenes i want this thing to be LOOOONG and and endrosing. But for every minute of cutscenes i want 2.5 in game play......thats exact :P

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

@DTG: Thanks for all the info - now I am intrigued on what will happen on here once the game releases...

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Faxanadu said:
@DTG: Thanks for all the info - now I am intrigued on what will happen on here once the game releases...

I'm guessing it will be somewhat similar to what is happening on GameFAQ's now. GameFAQ's is probably the only heavily pro-MGS2 board I know and it's pretty much in chaos of MGS4 detractors and appreciatives fighting eachother right now. However 95% of these people are basing their opinions off the spoilers they've read and they haven't actually played the game yet. Everyone who has played it start to finish say that it's amazing and it really is completely different to experience it for yourself rather than just reading the plot through bullet points.

Still I cannot see how some of Kojima's decisions in this game won't be controversial. He practically goes through the story doing the things you would least expect. There is also a lot of retcons and some people are seeing them as a cop out.

Kojima doesn't hold back though and that's one of the greatest advantages of MGS4. Aside from the questionable ending the entire script is uncompromised  and Kojima did exactly what he wanted to regardless of whether you'll like it or not.

One of my biggest disappointments doesn't even have to do with the plot though and it's probably quite trivial to most people. But there's a feature missing that I would have taken for granted but is now likely to be released as a DLC. If Konami and co are planning to charge for it and milk this game dry with additional DLC's that should have been in the game in the first place I'll be plenty pissed. 

DTG said:
Faxanadu said:
I give this thread a 9.0
I give Profcrab an average of 7.5 for his posts.
I give the community an 8.0 on average.
I give Konami a 4.5 for their entire behaviour in this.

And finally I give Mr. Kojima a 2.0 for creating such long cutscenes, thus revealing to everyone that he is unable (unwilling?) to tell the story through gameplay. Which makes a game a game.

Yes, we need to bring average review scores down. so please no wcore inflation, Mr Crab.

People like throwing that around but I fail to see how you could possibly tell the MGS story through gameplay? Raiden backstory through gameplay? GW's ambitions through gameplay? Meanderings on memes and genes, identity and others through gameplay? The Boss's death and Big Boss's apparent resentment during his recieval of the Big Boss title? The content of the monologues through gameplay? I do not see how unless you mean that Kojoma should erect giant signboards in game with the dialog on them in bullet points.

Are you serious? Most of MGS' story can be entered in the gameplay, rather than the awful Kojima's cutscene abuse.

One perfect example of Kojima's design flaw is MGS2: The handling of control/freedom of information and it's implications. Basically, In MGS2, the player experienced mostly one type of one-dimensional situations of control of information throughout the game, which is fine. The problem was when Kojima simply abused them, as if he thought the player wouldn't be able to understand those experiences: Solid Snake's apathy in informing; Raiden tackling with forgotten past and Rosemary's duty; The revelation of the Patriots, Colonel and AI; and the only multi-dimensional experience from all (as small and indirect it was), the actions of an entity controlled by controlled by another entity, which is... The patriots being the highest order, having Ocelote running with controlled info, whom was having Solidus tackle with things on a controlled info, etc... pretty much just a cascade of the same types of experiences.

When you notice, for so many experiences they're basically just the same type of experience with a different coating, except Raiden's past which I thought was good in portraying culture growth in a 'controlled environment' (though it should've been more interactive, not only because there too many dialogue spent on a 'small' thing, but it would also allow the player's knowledge to correspond with Raiden's when tackling the situation).

Possibly the worst part is near the end, when we had a long 15min cutscene explaining everything we experienced in the game!!! I'm talking about Colonel, Raiden and Rosemary's triage. that scene only needed to be 2-3min long, only explaining about the GW and Rosemary's and stuff like that...why would Kojima need to explain everything again???? And there still was both Raiden and Snake, in the end, stating the same thing in their epilogues, that thing being something mentioned more than once in the game.

Basically, Kojima thinks the average player is an idiot. Kojima is no genious.

Also Most of the dialogues presented in the cutscenes could have easily been done in a more interactive way, through interactive dialogues since many of the scenes were based on a typical question/answer scheme, which is simply perfect for it. Raiden's backstory should have been done so, with a small obligatory dialogue from Solidus (the one who would initiate that part).

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i never believe it since the beginning. use ur brain and filter logically when u have read some news guys

gengka said:
i never believe it since the beginning. use ur brain and filter logically when u have read some news guys

Several people who have already reviewed MGS4 stated it has atleast 2 cutscenes approaching the 90 mins mark. IGN and Edge said so.

Where did IGN say that, if I recall correctly they only commented on the ratio of gameplay to cutscenes throughout the entire game, and never touched on the length of any given cutscene.


According to someone on GameFAQ's who stop watched the ending it is exactly 78 minutes long and is the longest cutscene in the game. The second longest cutscene is between 40 minutes to an hour.

EDGE and PSW exaggurated that's all there is to it. Whatever way you spin it none of them reach 90 minutes and only one of them comes relatively close.

DTG said:
According to someone on GameFAQ's who stop watched the ending it is exactly 78 minutes long and is the longest cutscene in the game. The second longest cutscene is between 40 minutes to an hour.

EDGE and PSW exaggurated that's all there is to it. Whatever way you spin it none of them reach 90 minutes and only one of them comes relatively close.

78 minutes is awfully close to the 90 minutes mark, and another cutscene that's even bigger than any from MGS2 tells me Kojima is not a great storyteller.

IGN said this: "One of those things that Konami doesn't want us to talk about is the 'total length of cut-scenes'. Hopefully it won't be bending the rules to far to reveal that they represent about half of the content of the game."

So we are seeing atleast around 10 hours of cutscenes in MGS4!! Total fail.