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Faxanadu said:
@DTG: Thanks for all the info - now I am intrigued on what will happen on here once the game releases...

I'm guessing it will be somewhat similar to what is happening on GameFAQ's now. GameFAQ's is probably the only heavily pro-MGS2 board I know and it's pretty much in chaos of MGS4 detractors and appreciatives fighting eachother right now. However 95% of these people are basing their opinions off the spoilers they've read and they haven't actually played the game yet. Everyone who has played it start to finish say that it's amazing and it really is completely different to experience it for yourself rather than just reading the plot through bullet points.

Still I cannot see how some of Kojima's decisions in this game won't be controversial. He practically goes through the story doing the things you would least expect. There is also a lot of retcons and some people are seeing them as a cop out.

Kojima doesn't hold back though and that's one of the greatest advantages of MGS4. Aside from the questionable ending the entire script is uncompromised  and Kojima did exactly what he wanted to regardless of whether you'll like it or not.

One of my biggest disappointments doesn't even have to do with the plot though and it's probably quite trivial to most people. But there's a feature missing that I would have taken for granted but is now likely to be released as a DLC. If Konami and co are planning to charge for it and milk this game dry with additional DLC's that should have been in the game in the first place I'll be plenty pissed.