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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Fit intensity?

I'm a horribly lazy person, and have been thinking about picking up Wii Fit to supplement my sedatary lifestyle, but I've read that as a workout,  Wii Fit doesn't doesn't perform well in contrast to regular exercise.


So I'm curious, exactly how intense is a 1-hour session of Wii Fit?

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

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unnnn, depending on what you do it can be crazy intense >.> I mean, if you just do balance games, you won't get much of a workout, but strength training and aerobics will give you a workout.

Yoga just makes you sore from stretching >.>

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I honestly get tired after ~20-30 min.

I do some Yoga and some physical exercise. And I may do aerobics. I dunno.

But it does make you tired. And you will feel sore later. But it's totally worth it. XD

Where did you read it doesn't perform well to regular exercise? Everything I read goes against that, or was from people who haven't tried it.

Some have said it doesn't compare to weight lifting for strength training, but that is a specific type of exercise, and from the sounds of it you will have a ways to go before you will outgrow it's activities.

It wouldnt sell very well if it didnt work now would it....of course it provides a good work out

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well, I hear from many that it would be intense, I think it has to be intense to make sure you lose weight,
I think its similar to playing wario ware or wii sports in one hour, don' know for sure...

colonelstubbs said:
It wouldnt sell very well if it didnt work now would it....of course it provides a good work out


Yes, it would, because it's on the Wii.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

pichu_pichu said:
well, I hear from many that it would be intense, I think it has to be intense to make sure you lose weight,
I think its similar to playing wario ware or wii sports in one hour, don' know for sure...

lol, couldn't tell if that was a joke or not^^; hopin' it is.

It might not be as good as like, going to a gym and doing a full workout with a trainer or something, but it'll definitely help you get in shape somewhat. :3 if you find the workouts too easy you can turn up the reps after playing each thing a few times^^

The Mother 3 Fan Translation is done! Everyone go get it right now! (

Play Earthbound for the SNES ; ; Do it, it's awesome!

Proud participater of this year's Wii Secret Santa event! Hopefully you'll join the merriment next year!
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pichu_pichu said:
well, I hear from many that it would be intense, I think it has to be intense to make sure you lose weight,
I think its similar to playing wario ware or wii sports in one hour, don' know for sure...

 It's miles ahead of playing Wii Sports or Wario Ware for an hour! I do mostly Yoga and Strength training (with some aerobics to warm up) and after an hour I'm covered in sweat and I usually hit the shower (I do my Wii Fit in the morning right after breakfast).

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^ wow really,
then I can't wait to have wii fit, I don't have one yet, Didn't pre order :(
I would like to do all that exercise!