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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Sony in trying to please casual gamers loosing the hard core gamers too?

But the PS3 should have the best graphics now.. if still multiplat games are showing better results on 360, then its a failure of PS3... they should have now a big reasonable size library..

very few games still fully utilize the power of PS3.. and that is the sad thing.. if they have made it a powerful machine then the games by NOW should be showing its power...

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Sony have always had many generes on their consoles. People are just branding sony ps3 like x360, but if you look at the games library it states otherwise.

Sony probably made hardcore games at launch because lets face it, only a hardcore gamer is really going to pay that amount of money for a console. but now the ps3 is cheaper sony can start to create games to entise the casual gamer to jump on board

Noobie said:
But the PS3 should have the best graphics now.. if still multiplat games are showing better results on 360, then its a failure of PS3... they should have now a big reasonable size library..

very few games still fully utilize the power of PS3.. and that is the sad thing.. if they have made it a powerful machine then the games by NOW should be showing its power...

 you do realize that minus Killzone, PS2 games took 7 years to reach the PS2's fully strength, right?

The PS3's hardware wont be fully unilized for another at least 2 years. Few developers are using more then 2 SPEs right now.

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Slimebeast said:
No, they will of course not lose the hard-core gamers.

Yes, they are wasting money because the timing is off. High price PS3 = no casuals to buy casual games.

But then if you have real innovation going, such as in LBPs case, you shouldn't restrict a dev even if the large market isn't there yet. Afrika is a big waste of money though.

 but the point is that ,you have to have those casual games so when they drop the price of ps3 ,casual would see a reason to buy the console.




Noobie said:

Just looking at the titles like Afrika and LBP and EchoChrome and PSEye, i feel that Sony is loosing its identity.. Yes these games are good.. but first the foremost importance is to keep its true followers which were hard core gamers.. It look to me they r putting much more effort in challenging Wii instead of fullfilling the requirement of their true passionate fanboys.

Secondly they are wasting their important resources which could have been used to create some other franchise.?

So in trying to imitate Wii they are neither considered a worth challenger for Wii nor seriously taken by hard core gamers against 360 in the NA...

LBP is hardcorsual and echochrome doesn't require a casual label just because its a puzzle game. the pseye (eyetoy) was much more developed for in the ps2 era. the pseye's only retail release for ps3 is eye of judgement.




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Noobie said:

Just looking at the titles like Afrika and LBP and EchoChrome and PSEye, i feel that Sony is loosing its identity.. Yes these games are good.. but first the foremost importance is to keep its true followers which were hard core gamers.. It look to me they r putting much more effort in challenging Wii instead of fullfilling the requirement of their true passionate fanboys.

Secondly they are wasting their important resources which could have been used to create some other franchise.?

So in trying to imitate Wii they are neither considered a worth challenger for Wii nor seriously taken by hard core gamers against 360 in the NA...

 Little Big Planet is cute, but it is not casual. You're falling into the same trap that many do when considering Nintendo games. I don't know much about Echochrome, but is it really casual?


Anyway, trying to give PS2 users a reason to go with the PS3 instead of Wii sounds like good business sense 

FunKrusher said:
Are people in this thread calling the PS2 the "hardcore" only machine?

You can't be serious, the reason why PS2 was so successful was because of the casual market. Some of you need to learn your history, if you seriously think 120 million + "hardcore" players bought that machine, how does that explain the sales of most of it's successufl games. Last time I checked GOW, MGS, Shadows of Colussus and on an on an on, were maybe million + sellers but not 10 million + sellers, on a system with 120 million so-called "hardcore" install base.

If you're going to throw out definition you should really look up what they mean and use them in the proper context.

And to refute "sony is doing what they've always done" That's true and not true, Sony has always had an expensive machine and more technologicaly advanced machine from the outset. But where Sony is faltering is the exclusive formate (largely becoming a thing of the past), and they haven't adapted to the playing field which has changed.

My 2 cents

I'm out

Noobie said:

Just looking at the titles like Afrika and LBP and EchoChrome and PSEye, i feel that Sony is loosing its identity.. Yes these games are good.. but first the foremost importance is to keep its true followers which were hard core gamers.. It look to me they r putting much more effort in challenging Wii instead of fullfilling the requirement of their true passionate fanboys.

Secondly they are wasting their important resources which could have been used to create some other franchise.?

So in trying to imitate Wii they are neither considered a worth challenger for Wii nor seriously taken by hard core gamers against 360 in the NA...

 I have a crazy idea ... make good games for everyone. 

Screw image. 

hmm, what about MotorStorm 2? Socom Confrontation? R2, KZ2? Agency? and array of third party hardcore games such as SC4, RE5...

and oh, a little game called MGS4.

I have absolutely no problem with Sony getting a little first party casual games. As long as I know they are not sacrificing their hardcore gamers.

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: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
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According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)
Shameless said:
Yeah, I totally agree! After the hardcores-only PS2, this amount of casual catering is getting ridiculous.

Forgetting the Eye Toy, Buzz, Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero and Singstar games, are we? PS2 "wasn't" hardcore only, that's nonsense, even the PS2 had its share of casual games as well. I don't agree, PS3 is more focussed on (hard)core gamers than the WII most likely ever will. Don't forget Valkyrie Profile, Metal Gear Solid 4, Disgaea 3, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII vs, White Knight Chronicles eithers... Sony sure could use some butt kicking as their lazyness really starting to get annoying.

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