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Forums - Sales Discussion - I just noticed that Microsoft doesn't sell much considering its NA lead

dallas said:
yeah, they definitely have a say in who gets the BD drive, b/c it is Sony's intellectual property. Do you think that Sony would give away the right to include a BD drive to MS of all companies for ...... free?

Sony will sell Blu-ray rights to MS for the same price they do everyone else. MS's team of lawyers will see to that. I'm sure they're chomping at the bit to use some of that anti-trust experience they have on someone else.

Besides, Blu-ray is just a division of Sony (and the greater BD coalition) and they want to make money just like everybody else.

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largedarryl said:
dallas said:
yeah, they definitely have a say in who gets the BD drive, b/c it is Sony's intellectual property. Do you think that Sony would give away the right to include a BD drive to MS of all companies for ...... free?

Sorry to break it to you, but Sony does not have that type of power. The blu-ray IP is owned by a coalition of companies. Also, Sony is not the only blu-ray LED manufacturer in the world so you are wrong again.

 Uh, no, well, the management at the Blu-ray forum, anyway claims that Sony is the sole owner of the Blu-ray IP, but you might be confusing the IP with the Blu-ray association.  


In either case your second point is quite correct, as manufacturers all over the world can make LEDs that a player could feasibly use, but they have to get Sony's permission, and  this means $$$. 

dallas said:

The 360 has sold 11.6M consoles in america far outselling sony's relatively piddly 4.94M in america.  In fact they have sold 2.34X's  Sony's #'s for american console sales.

^ only because it had over a year head start

congrats on the very good use of a spin drum though!


...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

dallas said:
yeah, they definitely have a say in who gets the BD drive, b/c it is Sony's intellectual property. Do you think that Sony would give away the right to include a BD drive to MS of all companies for ...... free?

 It actually isn't their intellectual propery.  They hold less then 30% of the Blu-Ray IP.

dallas said:
largedarryl said:
dallas said:
yeah, they definitely have a say in who gets the BD drive, b/c it is Sony's intellectual property. Do you think that Sony would give away the right to include a BD drive to MS of all companies for ...... free?

Sorry to break it to you, but Sony does not have that type of power. The blu-ray IP is owned by a coalition of companies. Also, Sony is not the only blu-ray LED manufacturer in the world so you are wrong again.

Uh, no, well, the management at the Blu-ray forum, anyway claims that Sony is the sole owner of the Blu-ray IP, but you might be confusing the IP with the Blu-ray association.


In either case your second point is quite correct, as manufacturers all over the world can make LEDs that a player could feasibly use, but they have to get Sony's permission, and this means $$$.

 They claim incorrectly.

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dallas said:
uh, no, it should expand rocket pig. Most people just need one console and then get multiple games for it over time, but the 360's sales really aren't that great. Granted this is only a superficial analysis b/c MS will probably sell 5 or 6X's the amount of DLC type of games than the PS3 on any given week, but hey, Sony seems to be catching up, w/ this Qore thing, HOME which will come in another 3 years, and the online chatting thing and universal friends that sony has. I think that the PSN is improving so its sales will improve as well.

I just really think that this, and other stats are starting to show that the 360 wasn't the juggernaut that we thought that it was just a year ago.

 I usually get 2-4 consoles/handhleds. Have 3 so far this gen

Kasz216 said:
dallas said:
yeah, they definitely have a say in who gets the BD drive, b/c it is Sony's intellectual property. Do you think that Sony would give away the right to include a BD drive to MS of all companies for ...... free?

It actually isn't their intellectual propery. They hold less then 30% of the Blu-Ray IP.

 do you have a link to this?

dallas said:
Kasz216 said:
dallas said:
yeah, they definitely have a say in who gets the BD drive, b/c it is Sony's intellectual property. Do you think that Sony would give away the right to include a BD drive to MS of all companies for ...... free?

It actually isn't their intellectual propery. They hold less then 30% of the Blu-Ray IP.

do you have a link to this?

 Sorry just findthat a bit hard to beleive...I mean the Blu-ray has been Sony's idea all along, I just can't see them really needing anyone else to the extent that having such a low amount of the IP would imply.


your 5 cent analysis sucks. Rocketpig tried to xplain it to you, but u won't listen lol. Hmm... how should I put it. It's a question of sales dynamics, and maths.

Easiest way to make a decent software comparison is to compare sales when you pick the same age of the console (or the same installed base).

The PS3 has been out 1 year less than the X360 on the US market, so look at the X360 software sales 1 year ago:

In 26 May 2007 there had been 6.23 million X360 consoles sold and 36,009,253 million software which gives an attach rate of 5.78.

The PS3 has sold 4.94 million consoles and 31,084,274 copies of software which gives an attach rate of 6.29.

dallas said:

The 360 has sold 11.6M consoles in america far outselling sony's relatively piddly 4.94M in america.  In fact they have sold 2.34X's  Sony's #'s for american console sales.  Well, even so, they recently sold only 1.6X's as many software titles.  So, the 360 seems to really be lagging behind what it should be doing.  Comments for my 5 cent analyssis?

I think you should edit your post to include 'because of the year long headstart the 360 enjoyed'

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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