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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I was down at my local store today, and noted several odd things

I hate to make a topic about this, but I had no idea where the heck I would put this, so I made a thread.

Well, I was down at my Elkjøp (a big chain store in Norway) today. I noted a few things.

There were heaps of MGS 4 posters for the bundle (I didn't even know it was comming in Europe) selling at 2999 KR. This is about 600 dollars or 400 Euroes, so it isn't cheap comparing to those prices, but in Norway things are very expensive.

Wiis bundled with Boogie (only ones avaiable) sell for 2799 KR.

X360s bundled with CoD 4 sell for 2499 Kr

So this MGS 4 bundle is fairly cheap. Well, I asked a clerc about how many they were getting in. He checked in their database, and answered that they had recieved about 5000 bundles across the country, and they had already started being sold in a few stores, but the official date was the 12th, but if I came by at the 8th, they could sell me one.

5000 copies might not seem like a lot, but keep in mind that the Ps3 has to date sold 57.000 copies. ONE chain (which isn't even the biggest for games) had 5000 bundles for MGS 4, as an initial shipment. The clerc thought that for all of Norway, the totale number of bundles could go as high as 15.000.

Just for the fact, I believe no game has managed to sell more than 10K in Norway so far this gen. (Except for Wii S and P of course.)

They had also recieved major Wii and Mario Kart shipments, with around 2000 Wiis and 1500 Mario Karts across the country. They were not expecting to get Wii Fit in for the next quarter. GTA IV had been sold out since launch, but they expected a huge shipment tomorrow (on a thursday?)

I also looked at the back of a Starcraft game (which is currently at 29.99 KR, which is roughly the price of a 300g chocolate), and it said this (and I quote): Game of the year 1998, five out of five stars, # 1 best selling PC game ever

Is that true? I cannot see how this is possible, as the Sims have sold around 15M, could Starcraft have gone that high?

Sorry for jumping to conclusions with anedoctal data on MGS though, but I found it interesting.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Hmm hmm hmmm.. interesting things. Well, as for Starcraft, that's bull, that game hasn't even reached 10 million I believe, over 4 MILLION of which have been sold in Korea (It's true, look it up).

And that MGS4 bundle seems kinda cheap, especially compared to the Wii+Boogie one. Either that, or the Wii bundle is just very expensive. :p

Also, they told you they weren't expecting to get Wii Fit in for the next quarter? Lol what? :p It's been out since last month in Europe, no?

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


I think all brits wanting the bundle should fly to Norway ASAP

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Wow, that is a pretty cheap MGS4 bundle.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Perhaps they meant the best selling PC game in Norway? but even then I thought The Sims was pretty popular in Norway too.

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Cheebee said:
Hmm hmm hmmm.. interesting things. Well, as for Starcraft, that's bull, that game hasn't even reached 10 million I believe, over 4 MILLION of which have been sold in Korea (It's true, look it up).

It could be at 10 million by now. It was over a year ago that it was at 9.5 million (4.5 million in South Korea). Most stores still carry it, and I am sure it got some sales from SCII hype. However it is not the highest selling PC game worldwide. It could have been at some point though.

Anyways, that is a pretty huge number of bundles for Norway.

It is indeed the best selling PC title in Norway (Starcraft), followed by WoW, The Sims and one installment of Civilization according to Spillforeningen.
Norway and Sweden have huge LAN cultures and PC gaming is massive in Scandinavia compared to any country this side of Korea.

Starcraft and the Sims are in different markets.

2999 NKR for a MGS4 bundle??

damn that's cheaper then here in Sweden, 4400 SKR = 730 US$

and the salary in Norway are way better then here in Sweden.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Oyvoyvoyv said:

I hate to make a topic about this, but I had no idea where the heck I would put this, so I made a thread.

Well, I was down at my Elkjøp (a big chain store in Norway) today. I noted a few things.

There were heaps of MGS 4 posters for the bundle (I didn't even know it was comming in Europe) selling at 2999 KR. This is about 600 dollars or 400 Euroes, so it isn't cheap comparing to those prices, but in Norway things are very expensive.

Wiis bundled with Boogie (only ones avaiable) sell for 2799 KR.

X360s bundled with CoD 4 sell for 2499 Kr

So this MGS 4 bundle is fairly cheap. Well, I asked a clerc about how many they were getting in. He checked in their database, and answered that they had recieved about 5000 bundles across the country, and they had already started being sold in a few stores, but the official date was the 12th, but if I came by at the 8th, they could sell me one.

5000 copies might not seem like a lot, but keep in mind that the Ps3 has to date sold 57.000 copies. ONE chain (which isn't even the biggest for games) had 5000 bundles for MGS 4, as an initial shipment. The clerc thought that for all of Norway, the totale number of bundles could go as high as 15.000.

Just for the fact, I believe no game has managed to sell more than 10K in Norway so far this gen. (Except for Wii S and P of course.)

They had also recieved major Wii and Mario Kart shipments, with around 2000 Wiis and 1500 Mario Karts across the country. They were not expecting to get Wii Fit in for the next quarter. GTA IV had been sold out since launch, but they expected a huge shipment tomorrow (on a thursday?)

I also looked at the back of a Starcraft game (which is currently at 29.99 KR, which is roughly the price of a 300g chocolate), and it said this (and I quote): Game of the year 1998, five out of five stars, # 1 best selling PC game ever

Is that true? I cannot see how this is possible, as the Sims have sold around 15M, could Starcraft have gone that high?

Sorry for jumping to conclusions with anedoctal data on MGS though, but I found it interesting.


Is 400 euro that much for the MGS bundle? I think the official price of the PS3 without any game is 400 euro at the moment, so getting MGS for free sounds pretty good. As far as receiving 5000 MGS bundles, are you sure that number doesn't include the single copies for the game?