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Forums - General Discussion - Yay! Today was the last day of school! :D

Soriku said:
sc94597 said:
Well like you soriku I'm only going to 9th grade. ( I was born in october 19th when you had to be born like a few weeks earlier in order to start school at the age of 4 rather than 5.)The 8th grade is in the same school as the 9-12th grades though so it won't be any new to me.

Hey, the same happened to me. It explains why I'm 13 and going to high school rather than 14. My B-day is October 8, btw :) Hooray for same month! I'm going to a different school now though the school is right next to my middle school :P You just have to walk across to the right and then you're there lol.


Winter vacations in July?! Geez, don't tell me you have Summer vacation in December? >_< You must have some weird climates in Peru lol.

When do you get out ctk?

 No the difference is that I'm 14 going to 9th grade and will be turning 15 about a month and a lhalf in , and you are 13 turning 14. Oh and  the seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth;s axis. Meaning in the southern hemisphere when the southern part of the earth is at a closer angle to the sun where it gathers more light it is summer, and in the northern hemisphere it is the opposite. Vice versa

It doesn't really matter much for peru though I believe since it's located near the equator. 

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Good luck in highschool.
I pick on fresh meat like you.
Prepare to be hazed. or initiated.
Don't know if they have that in your school tho?


BottledSpringWater said:
Good luck in highschool.
I pick on fresh meat like you.
Prepare to be hazed. or initiated.
Don't know if they have that in your school tho?

That doesn't happen in my school. They make the schedules and rooms so that the grades don't meet much though. 

lemieux-rules66 said:
i still have a moth left, than exams, than summer vacation :P

 Ugh, I hate it when they put the exams at the end of the school year, so many distractions outside and i'm in my house like a jailbird, studing for exams 

Soriku said:
sc94597 said:
Well like you soriku I'm only going to 9th grade. ( I was born in october 19th when you had to be born like a few weeks earlier in order to start school at the age of 4 rather than 5.)The 8th grade is in the same school as the 9-12th grades though so it won't be any new to me.

Hey, the same happened to me. It explains why I'm 13 and going to high school rather than 14. My B-day is October 8, btw :) Hooray for same month! I'm going to a different school now though the school is right next to my middle school :P You just have to walk across to the right and then you're there lol.


Winter vacations in July?! Geez, don't tell me you have Summer vacation in December? >_< You must have some weird climates in Peru lol.

When do you get out ctk?
Same thing with my brother.  He started college in September but didn't turn 18 until November 23rd


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Soriku said:
sc94597 said:
Well like you soriku I'm only going to 9th grade. ( I was born in october 19th when you had to be born like a few weeks earlier in order to start school at the age of 4 rather than 5.)The 8th grade is in the same school as the 9-12th grades though so it won't be any new to me.

Hey, the same happened to me. It explains why I'm 13 and going to high school rather than 14. My B-day is October 8, btw :) Hooray for same month! I'm going to a different school now though the school is right next to my middle school :P You just have to walk across to the right and then you're there lol.


Winter vacations in July?! Geez, don't tell me you have Summer vacation in December? >_< You must have some weird climates in Peru lol.

When do you get out ctk?

 Actually I will end  9th grade on december ,I already had my summer vacation it was on half of last year's december plus January and  february(that's why I was able to post a lot during those months) I returned to school some where around  march 5th or 10th I don't remenber.So I will have my winter vacation in July 12th it will last for 2 weeks,anyways what are you planning to do on your summer vacation?

sc94597 said:
@ Ctk so is me getting hit by a meteor when walking outside, but is it probable? probably not. Especially considering soriku is a 13 year old who has 14,000 posts on a video game forum. Most 13 year olds don't get drunk and go to parties. I think you are thinking of 16 year olds.

 Well nothing is imposible but I will agree with you I don't think soriku will do those kind of stuff.

Normally, school in the Uk does not finish until the end of june (back at the end of August) or even mid july, but I will be finished next week!!! I can't wait, all thanks to having 20 exams in 3 weeks!

brute said:
^why that late dude?

Him? Late? I still have to go to school tomorrow and take 2 final exams....

2 more weeks for me, then a long vacation

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