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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Going to China with my console.

Ok, I'll be heading to China for the first time in about half a month. I don't know what's in store for me and I'm really only there to visit relatives I've never met. Point is, I need something to do just incase it becomes a bore fest since I'm there for a month. After weeks of deciding, I've chosen to take my 360 with me overseas instead of the PS3 and Wii. I want some tips on how to make this trip go smoothly from anyone that has done this before. Should I pack the 360 in one of my bags to avoid shody Airplane baggage service? Do I need to worry about having the correct power cords? Will i run into any problems from Airport security? If brining the 360 overseas is not a good idea, then I'll just bring my slim PS2 with me instead, but I'd much rather play MassEffect/NG2 for a month over old PS2 games and Persona.

What do you guys think?

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Take it in your hand luggage, there are plenty of electronic thieves out there, and even though you get your money back from the airline company, it kind of sucks to lose your stuff (happened to me).

For the other stuff, sorry no clue.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Can you pick me up a Vii or a Mwii?

Thanks in advance.

Dude don't bring anything, just go out and enjoy China.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

I second that. Go and enjoy the country, the food, the drinks and the girls. No need for a gaming system imo.

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hahaha I bought my laptop, psp, dsl with me and turn out I hardly touch those thing. the only time it get my attention is when I sit through that painfully 16 hours flight.

after flight is over, I'm in heaven!!! the Food, The drinks and the best of all The Girls!!!!!!.

and that one month is awefully short when I'm having a blast every night drinking and get the girls ^^

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The guy will visit his relatives, so I'm sure he knows all about the "enjoy China" part.

Don't let the luggage service take care of the bag u have your console in. My friend works with that on an airport, and he says they just carelessly throw the bags back if they happen to drop off the carts.

Why would security care? A X360 is nowhere near the hot high tech stuff like the PS2 was with export restrictions back in the day. ;)

Yeah! I'd never take a console with me if I go to another country, just go outside and experience life in china!

Buy a DS, that's my advice

Yeah, why would you bring the console on a trip? No offense, but that's really geeky XD You can play your console when you're back home. And I'm sure the Chinese security will kill your console.

Go and visit the Forbidden City, learn about the country or something. Or try the food:

Or get a DS ^^

Like others, I'd recommend you take no console with you.

If you want to take it, make sure to take your purchase receipt if you have it. Customs might ask you for it. You should also check what's the value limit for stuff you take, otherwise you may have to pay customs taxes. A console shouldn't be above the limit though (maybe a PS3). You'll probably need a voltage converter, since China uses the same voltage as Europe. You could probably find one there.

All in all, too much work, at least for me.

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