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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What happens after pc sets itself apart graphically from ps360?

The same thing that happened with the PS2 and x-box. They sell for far less and twice as many games are made for them then the PC.

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TheRealMafoo said:
The same thing that happened with the PS2 and x-box. They sell for far less and twice as many games are made for them then the PC.

 So they will get more games that I don't come to pc?  That would make my 360 and ps3 purchases more worth it. I don't agree about them selling for far less seeing as there is still high budgets when making hd console games.

MontanaHatchet said:
Developers won't push PC graphics to the point where they can't even make a downgraded port to the consoles. Consoles are a quick buck for these companies.

yeah thats a reason they wont push it to far,though i think at some point in another year we will see somthing that looks better then crysis

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

It just means console players get to play less pretty versions of the game. As it is console only players play with lower resolutions and frame rates.

I give this thread a 9.3.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

sc94597 - Call of Duty 4 was on PS360 before PC, other than that you made some good points, luckily i have a gaming pc anyway!

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sc94597 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
The same thing that happened with the PS2 and x-box. They sell for far less and twice as many games are made for them then the PC.

 So they will get more games that I don't come to pc?  That would make my 360 and ps3 purchases more worth it. I don't agree about them selling for far less seeing as there is still high budgets when making hd console games.

I don't mean that games sell for far less, I mean the console.

The games will probably stay at the $60 range for a long while, and probably drop to $50 closer to the end of the life cycle.


PS360ForTheWin said:
sc94597 - Call of Duty 4 was on PS360 before PC, other than that you made some good points, luckily i have a gaming pc anyway!

I didn't know that. Link?

sc94597 said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
sc94597 - Call of Duty 4 was on PS360 before PC, other than that you made some good points, luckily i have a gaming pc anyway!

I didn't know that. Link?

COD4 released on the PC, PS3, 360, and DS on Nov 5, 2007.

TheRealMafoo said:
sc94597 said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
sc94597 - Call of Duty 4 was on PS360 before PC, other than that you made some good points, luckily i have a gaming pc anyway!

I didn't know that. Link?

COD4 released on the PC, PS3, 360, and DS on Nov 5, 2007.

So he's wrong then.


zero129 said:
Just to put a quick end to this..
The same thing that's happened every other gen...Nothing..
Both the PS3 and 360 will still be getting great games, just like it's been in every other gen.

but when pc pulls to far ahead in graphics alot of devs will only release pc games as exclusives

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"