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Forums - Sony Discussion - Playstation 3 will Rise to Power

Gamer4life said:
Nintendo Zealot said:
bbsin said:
Gamer4life said:
I think after seeing the disappointing sales in HW this week for PS3 he had to reassure himself that PS3 would still beat 360 by posting a thread about how PS3 will win. Pretty lame but expected by the tons of desperate PS3 fans looking for some good news after (Haze, Disappointing HW sales, and 360's continued strength in Others).

Damn, if PS3 weekly HW sales are dissapointing, then what does that make the 360?

OnTopic: This thread is pointless.

360 sales are only 4k less, after japan it will be 10k. That is not a big difference. At this rate it will take 10 years for the PS3 to catch the 360.

Thats what I meant by dissappointing bbsin considering. Thank you Nintendo Zealot. It seems SONY fanboys last week were saying how they will beat 360 by about 50k every week and now they feel it is not dissappointing to barely beat the 360.

 So you're measuring the success of each console's sales based on.......... fanboys? Well, if that's the case then enjoy your (pointless) war, I'm staying out it.

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LongLiveTheBeatles said:
Nintendo Zealot said:
bbsin said:
Gamer4life said:
I think after seeing the disappointing sales in HW this week for PS3 he had to reassure himself that PS3 would still beat 360 by posting a thread about how PS3 will win. Pretty lame but expected by the tons of desperate PS3 fans looking for some good news after (Haze, Disappointing HW sales, and 360's continued strength in Others).

Damn, if PS3 weekly HW sales are dissapointing, then what does that make the 360?

OnTopic: This thread is pointless.

360 sales are only 4k less, after japan it will be 10k. That is not a big difference. At this rate it will take 10 years for the PS3 to catch the 360.

Sales are down this week but both of us know this rate will not hold. I'm going to guess that you'll see one more week of crappy sales in the anticipation of MGS4 then... do I really have to say?

Expect 400,000 in HW sales week one. Until then the Xbox may have a chance to outsell the PS3.


GTA IV moved 319k a little over a month ago. Now you expect a game that attracts an overlapping audience and doesn't carry nearly as large a fanbase to do even better?


Nah, I don't see it. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

Gamer4life said:
Nintendo Zealot said:
bbsin said:
Gamer4life said:
I think after seeing the disappointing sales in HW this week for PS3 he had to reassure himself that PS3 would still beat 360 by posting a thread about how PS3 will win. Pretty lame but expected by the tons of desperate PS3 fans looking for some good news after (Haze, Disappointing HW sales, and 360's continued strength in Others).

Damn, if PS3 weekly HW sales are disappointing, then what does that make the 360?

OnTopic: This thread is pointless.

 360 sales are only 4k less, after japan it will be 10k. That is not a big difference. At this rate it will take 10 years for the PS3 to catch the 360.

 Thats what I meant by disappointing bbsin considering. Thank you Nintendo Zealot. It seems SONY fanboys last week were saying how they will beat 360 by about 50k every week and now they feel it is not disappointing to barely beat the 360.

 Most people don't care enough to consider the sales of a console "disappointing". I think a more appropriate word would be surprising. But seriously, were you really expecting these sales? It was a completely random change in sales and your bragging as if you knew it would happen. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, you are new but really, most people can see right through your allegiance.

rocketpig said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:
Nintendo Zealot said:
bbsin said:
Gamer4life said:
I think after seeing the disappointing sales in HW this week for PS3 he had to reassure himself that PS3 would still beat 360 by posting a thread about how PS3 will win. Pretty lame but expected by the tons of desperate PS3 fans looking for some good news after (Haze, Disappointing HW sales, and 360's continued strength in Others).

Damn, if PS3 weekly HW sales are dissapointing, then what does that make the 360?

OnTopic: This thread is pointless.

360 sales are only 4k less, after japan it will be 10k. That is not a big difference. At this rate it will take 10 years for the PS3 to catch the 360.

Sales are down this week but both of us know this rate will not hold. I'm going to guess that you'll see one more week of crappy sales in the anticipation of MGS4 then... do I really have to say?

Expect 400,000 in HW sales week one. Until then the Xbox may have a chance to outsell the PS3.


GTA IV moved 319k a little over a month ago. Now you expect a game that attracts an overlapping audience and doesn't carry nearly as large a fanbase to do even better?


Nah, I don't see it. 

We will find out in 2 weeks so this is pointless, but there are two factors that make me say this:

1. MGS4 is bundled with the 80gb PS3 making a reappearance. 

2. It's a PS3 exclusive while the HW sales for new HD console adapters were split between the PS3 and 360. In all you were looking at a combined  520,000 consoles or so as a result of GTA4.

I realize that but your numbers are awfully high for a game released in June.

We'll know for certain soon enough.

Or check out my new webcomic:

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Well... Since you are promising us... I am now a believer.

Anywho, Now that GTAIV and GT5:P have been released without much impact for overtaking the 360, I am going to reserve my prediction on the PS3 overtaking the 360 until the release of MGS4.

At this point in time, I'm scepticle the PS3 is even going to make an impact on overtaking the 360 in the future... If it beats it by less the 1 or 2 million by the time the next generation starts, then whoopdi do...

If it beats it by 5 or so million, then that's possibly something to brag about.

For now, with the prospects of MGS4 exclusive to PS3, the HW could sell well... but then again it might not. Like I said, I'll give my prediction in a month or 2 once sales settle in for the PS3.

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!

This is the kind of thread that

A- makes me smile at a PS3 owner braving conflict with a chest bounding thread


B- makes me sigh at a PS3 owner showing his stupidity by not bothering to check if there were any similar threads to this before posting.

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

The Playstation 3 will dominate 2nd place this gen!

The Playstation 3 will lay waste to all the competitors except those that sell better!

The Playstation 3 will command all of the marketshare not taken by the competitors!">">

I used to believe the PS3 had absolutely zero chance of coming within spitting distance of the 360. But, with the recent sales turnaround, I'm skeptical to declare a 2nd-place 'victor' so early. BOTH of their sales have increased, and many things can happen, as this generation isn't even half-over yet. For me, the events of this summer will be telling. It will be after MGS4, and neither will have a big game coming for several months. Unless one of them has an unexpected price cut (I wouldn't be TOO surprised if Microsoft did), we should see a stable trend.

BTW Microsoft HAS only cut the price $50 in its' biggest market in 2.5 years.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

As I consider the wii last gen I say ps3 wiil be first. Good to see some fanboysim.