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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Eminem in Resident Evil 5?

Oh'd I get stuck in here again?

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It's best seen at 1:17 in this GT analysis of RE5 features. There's apparently more than just a couple of these Eminem clones in the game. But what the heck are they doing there?

I don't want my GOTY game to have a bunch of white guys running around in the deepest of black Africa.

Why, oh why did Capcom have to ruin the atmosphere of exploring what seemed to be such an exotic and exciting setting!


Clearly in response to everyone claiming the game is racist.

super_etecoon said:
Oh'd I get stuck in here again?

 Again? This has happened before to you?

Lol @ super etecoon

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lol, what's up with the thread intrusion??

There are some white people in Africa, remember some Euros decided to stay in Africa.

"Like you know"

bahahaha @ super_etecoon

rudyrsr8 said:
There are some white people in Africa, remember some Euros decided to stay in Africa.


Yeah, you mean the very few rich farm-owners in Zimbabwe and the city people of Johannesburg in South Africa. But in poor villages like those in RE5? That's just plain stupid.

LOL.  Always nice to see that little glitch pop up every now and again.

Kind of like seeing a time capsule from the past...