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Forums - General Discussion - and so dies the last hope of the democratic party.

Soriku said:
Score. I didn't think Hilary was going to be a good president...

Just to clarify for those coming late into this thread....

It was based off false information that was on the major news outlets this morning.

Clinton and her advisors quickly refuted the claims.

Hillary Clinton has conceded nothing as of this moment. 


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rudyrsr8 said:
This is gonna start a flame war but...

There is no way Obama will win the south, ppl are still racist in many parts of the US. Also if you were a spectator and saw in another country someone who was in a MP for two years running against someone who has been a MP since you were born you obviously know who has the most experience and who should win.

Also FYI the presidental election does not follow the leaning for popular support for a candadite example Bill CLinton's reign was heavily republican the senate and house during his reign fell heavier in Rep hands. Go to to see an electoral map.

 Did you just ingore the entire nomination process?

1. In every southern state Democrats had a much larger turnout than Republicans.
2. Obama handidly won nearly every single southern state. Keep in mind most southern states have a significant black vote.


OP: You are so wrong. Obama FTW and for a better America!!! 

MrBubbles said:
i havent seen any polls showing obama over mccain. ive only even seen 1 where they were tied.
obama is the antichrist and wants to make the country communist. people only like the idea of him. he cant keep that going...eventually people will take a real hard look at him and everything he said and did. most people wont like what they find.

Wait, if the Antichrist is supposed to bring about world peace before Jesus comes back... then are you saying communism would help bring about world peace, you pinko commie scum?



And here's a list of all the McCain vs. Obama and McCain vs. Clinton polls:

The_vagabond7 said:
I literally, swear to bog, had a coworker refer to Obama as "Obama Bin Laden" and then act proud of himself like he just made a very clever and original burn on him. Not everybody in the south is a moron...but alot of them are.

 I've heard that same amazing and original joke in California!!!  Small world, huh?

The Ghost of RubangB said:
MrBubbles said:
i havent seen any polls showing obama over mccain. ive only even seen 1 where they were tied.
obama is the antichrist and wants to make the country communist. people only like the idea of him. he cant keep that going...eventually people will take a real hard look at him and everything he said and did. most people wont like what they find.

Wait, if the Antichrist is supposed to bring about world peace before Jesus comes back... then are you saying communism would help bring about world peast, you pinko commie scum?



And here's a list of all the McCain vs. Obama and McCain vs. Clinton polls:

 love wikipedia sometimes....looks like the greater majority of polls show Obama FTW!!!!!!!!!

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The comment about anti-Christ reminds me of a story I've read today.


(If you don't understand the T-shirt image, look at your copy of "The Design
and Implementation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System" by Leffler, et. al.)

The following is a true story.

Last week I walked into a local "home style cookin' restaurant/watering hole" to pick up a take out order. I spoke briefly to the waitress behind the counter, who told me my order would be done in a few minutes.

So, while I was busy gazing at the farm implements hanging on the walls, I was approached by two, uh, um... well, let's call them "natives." These guys might just be the original Texas rednecks--complete with ten-gallon hats, snakeskin boots and the pervasive odor of cheap beer and whiskey.

"Pardon us, ma'am. Mind of we ask you a question?"

Well, people keep telling me that Texans are real friendly, so I nodded.

"Are you a Satanist?"

Well, at least they didn't ask me if I liked to party.

"Uh, no, I can't say that I am."

"Gee ma'am. Are you sure about that?" they asked.

I put on my biggest, brightest Dallas Cowboys cheerleader smile and said, "No, I'm positive. The closest I've ever come to Satanism is watching Geraldo."

"Hmm. Interesting. See, we was just wondering why it is you have the lord of darkness on your chest there."

I was this close to slapping one of them and causing a scene--then I stopped and noticed the T-shirt I happened to be wearing that day. Sure enough, it had a picture of a small, devilish looking creature that has for quite some time now been associated with a certain operating system. In this particular representation, the creature was wearing sneakers.

They continued: "See, ma'am, we don't exactly appreciate it when people show off pictures of the devil. Especially when he's lookin' so friendly."

These idiots sounded terrifyingly serious.

Me: "Oh, well, see, this isn't really the devil, it's just, well, it's sort of a mascot."

Native: "And what kind of football team has the devil as a mascot?"

Me: "Oh, it's not a team. It's an operating-- uh, a kind of computer."

I figured that an ATM machine was about as much technology as these guys could handle, and I knew that if I so much as uttered the word "unix" I would only make things worse.

Native: "Where does this satanical computer come from?"

Me: "California. And there's nothing satanical about it really."

Somewhere along the line here, the waitress has noticed my predicament--but these guys probably outweighed her by 600 pounds, so all she did was look at me sympathetically and run off into the kitchen.

Native: "Ma'am, I think you're lying. And we'd appreciate it if you'd leave the premises now."

Fortunately, the waitress returned that very instant with my order, and they agreed that it would be okay for me to actually pay for my food before I left. While I was at the cash register, they amused themselves by talking to each other.

Native #1: "Do you think the police know about these devil computers?"

Native #2: "If they come from California, then the FBI oughta know about 'em."

They escorted me to the door. I tried one last time: "You're really blowing this all out of proportion. A lot of people use this `kind of computers.' Universities, researchers, businesses. They're actually very useful."

Big, big, BIG mistake. I should have guessed at what came next.

Native: "Does the government use these devil computers?"

Me: "Yes."

Another BIG boo-boo.

Native: "And does the government pay for 'em? With our tax dollars?"

I decided that it was time to jump ship.

Me: "No. Nope. Not at all. You're tax dollars never entered the picture at all. I promise. No sir, not a penny. Our good Christian congressmen would never let something like that happen. Nope. Never. Bye."

Texas. What a country.

And I was thinking "This story can't be true. People can't be THAT dumb" ... until I read this thread.


No, it's not going to stop  'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop  So just ... give up
- Aimee Mann

^ good post, loved the last line :)

Hilary Clinton is giving a long speech, she hasnt conceded yet, but most of the media have declared Obama the winner, Obama will make a speech later. Im watching it all Live on BBC news.


MrBubbles said:
i havent seen any polls showing obama over mccain. ive only even seen 1 where they were tied.
obama is the antichrist and wants to make the country communist. people only like the idea of him. he cant keep that going...eventually people will take a real hard look at him and everything he said and did. most people wont like what they find.

 Clinton supporters are pretty irrational.  They like someone who talks democrat but votes republican (at least in the senate).  Obama had a lot of courage to stand up and vote against the iraq war when he did.  He's been a voice of reason throughout the campaign.  He has two things that America needs desperately, reason and courage.  I hope Clintonites wake up from their fearful emotional frenzy before the general election so we can all move on.