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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Where are the titles for the older Wii owners??

Maybe I'm just venting but I'm getting sick of every Wii game looking like a cartoon and looking like a kiddiefied version of HD systems games (Skate It, Shawn White, Spyborgs, etc.).


Wii has the oldest demographics of the 3 next gen systems.  So why is no one developing for the 30-70 yr old market of men & women who own Wii?   This is a MAJOR gap in the Wii line-up and someone could get rich with the right offerings.

Nor am I talking about FPS or action games as those games by and large never appealed to this demographic either.  I'm talking Brain Age, Chess and other strategy games, RTS, RPG, Myst type of games and others that would appeal to older folks looking for more of a storybased or cerebral game. Or some old school arcade or 2d action or puzzle games.

Of announced titles, only Spore really seems to have a chance of capturing that market - maybe.  Fatal Frame maybe but that seems somewhat niche to me.   And that's it.    

Am I missing something?  Or is the industry?


Around the Network

Give some examples of games for "older owners" on other consoles please.

@ WoW

Gears of War

just to name of few of the top of the head.

Imperial said:
@ WoW

Gears of War

just to name of few of the top of the head.

I'm thinking the FPS games are more angled at the drinking frat-boy age generation, not older owners.

Metal Gear Soild is a niche series in itself so it's not specifically targetting any age generation.

GTA4 is also targetting the young adult crowd. 

Imperial said:
@ WoW

Gears of War

just to name of few of the top of the head.

GTA IV: Hmmm, maybe. It appeals to a wide audience, so ok.


Killzone & Gears of War: are you kidding me? I don't think any other game could target the 16 year old mail more than those two.

Around the Network

Zack & Wicki
Endless Ocean
No More Heroes
Fatal Frame (coming)
MH3 (coming)

I dont see your problem

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yeah it would be good to see more games targeted for adults,but we will be getting em soon i think,fatal frame will also be great

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Blame Nintendo.Their whole strategy is too have a system and games that appeal to the casual gamer.

The problem is, aiming at the teen to 20 year olds is targeted better for older people than most of the kiddie aged games.

Faxanadu said:
Zack & Wicki
Endless Ocean
No More Heroes
Fatal Frame (coming)
MH3 (coming)

I dont see your problem

IMO, Zack & Wicki is aimed at a younger age.  (at least not as over the top as elebits and dewy's adventure though.), and so is Mr Gay.  (Not saying older people can't play those, but they could of been a little more mature and still kept the E rating if they were targeting older Wii owners.)