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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 90 minute cut scenes/install size discussed on X-Play

SpartanFX said:
Cobertnation said:
Thank God someone else notices the bias that X-play shows daily.

yea man ,,,some one has to be either 360fanboy or blind not to see the bias against both nintendo and Sony on their show.I mean how cheap is this?going to the nintendo wii fit ceremony and make fun of the device infront of the nintendo reperesentative,,,,

Once a caller called and said I ve finished GTA4 on my xbox and i m tried of GTA ,,which game will have the midnight opening in future I wanna try something new ,,,,sessler answered: come on you should not be tired of GTA and you have to wait for DLC for GTA4 ,,,he didn't even acknowledge the MGS4 and the midnight opening for the game.

and this recent epiosde just shows the bias that they devote an episode for talking about only the negatives in the game. I will truly be done wiht X-play, if they dont do an episode devoted to all the positives things in mgs4 on the release day, i will stop watching   

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Surely MGS4 must be the furthest upmarket a game can go. Feature-length cutscenes, meandering story requiring knowledge of the first three etc.

And yet some think that such a niche product will be a system seller...

Aurally examine my music!

Wear gaudy colours or avoid display. It's all the same.

Be warned, I will use walls of polysyllables and complex clauses as a defence against lucid argument.

Wand to read a creepy thread?

Now that i think about it, it really doesn't matter it still is going to sell 1 million+ first week and will be the 3rd best selling ps3 game of all time. behind GT5 and FF13.

Probably. But I think it's legs will be able to be accurately described as stumps.

Aurally examine my music!

Wear gaudy colours or avoid display. It's all the same.

Be warned, I will use walls of polysyllables and complex clauses as a defence against lucid argument.

Wand to read a creepy thread?

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simo__93_ said:





Update: Game journalist Sid Shuman has stated that while MGS4 includes some lengthy cutscenes, none of those cinematics comes close to the 90-minute mark.

"I've completed the game twice, and am the author of the forthcoming [GamePro] review," Shuman told GamePro. "Some of the cut-scenes in the game are elaborate and occasionally lengthy. But not a one, to my recollection, even approaches 90 minutes.



see people it does not have any 90 minutes cutscene 





Konami was extremely stupid with this decision.

The outcry about their censorship attempt will have much worse consequences than if they simply had let reviewers do their jobs.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I agree Adam Sessler is biased.

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I think the whole case is being exaggerated. I don't like Konami's actions and certainly don't accept them either. However, without that restriction we would be hearing the cutscenes to be a major con or something like that. Many reviewers would certainly bring it up and make it sound worse than it actually is. About the installs though, this Konami is just arousing suspiciouns...

SpartanFX said:
Cobertnation said:
Thank God someone else notices the bias that X-play shows daily.

yea man ,,,some one has to be either 360fanboy or blind not to see the bias against both nintendo and Sony on their show.I mean how cheap is this?going to the nintendo wii fit ceremony and make fun of the device infront of the nintendo reperesentative,,,,

Once a caller called and said I ve finished GTA4 on my xbox and i m tried of GTA ,,which game will have the midnight opening in future I wanna try something new ,,,,sessler answered: come on you should not be tired of GTA and you have to wait for DLC for GTA4 ,,,he didn't even acknowledge the MGS4 and the midnight opening for the game.

So somebody called in saying they finished GTA4 on their XBOX 360 and you want him to suggest that he go and buy a whole brand new gaming system (PS3) and a new game with it? Sounds reasonable... I'm just surprised that he didn't recommend any other XBOX 360 games, rather than waiting for the DLC, because you know that guy already OWNS a 360...

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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