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SpartanFX said:
Cobertnation said:
Thank God someone else notices the bias that X-play shows daily.

yea man ,,,some one has to be either 360fanboy or blind not to see the bias against both nintendo and Sony on their show.I mean how cheap is this?going to the nintendo wii fit ceremony and make fun of the device infront of the nintendo reperesentative,,,,

Once a caller called and said I ve finished GTA4 on my xbox and i m tried of GTA ,,which game will have the midnight opening in future I wanna try something new ,,,,sessler answered: come on you should not be tired of GTA and you have to wait for DLC for GTA4 ,,,he didn't even acknowledge the MGS4 and the midnight opening for the game.

and this recent epiosde just shows the bias that they devote an episode for talking about only the negatives in the game. I will truly be done wiht X-play, if they dont do an episode devoted to all the positives things in mgs4 on the release day, i will stop watching