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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 90 minute cut scenes/install size discussed on X-Play

If Konami demanded the press to not reveal the installs and cutscene times, then why have some reviews mentioned them already? Did the press just say "fuck off" or is Konami going to hit them with an embargo fine?

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You have to sign an agreement with Konami to print or post an early review. Instead of the standard restrictions about story spoilers, they are wanting to keep other things out of the publics eye until after the game is out (length of cinematics & install space).

EGM did sign and therefore did not do the review. EGM explained the reasons why. Suprised they had the integrity to be honest. Konami obviosly thinks that if people know that cutscenes can be up to an hour and a half in length that it might deter people from buying the game. You can skip the cutscenes, but then you are skipping the story.

Not sure why they cared about the 4 gig install, unless it is bigger than that and I misunderstood Adam on X-play.

MGS4 is a big investment of your time and gameplaying life, which is great if you have that kind of time. I think Konami is worried not everyone does have that kind of time, so they don't want the reviews to reveal the length of the scenes until they get strong first day/week sales.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709

Morgan Webb(host of X-Play)-"Hahaha,so Konami's in trouble..."

radioioRobert said:
You have to sign an agreement with Konami to print or post an early review. Instead of the standard restrictions about story spoilers, they are wanting to keep other things out of the publics eye until after the game is out (length of cinematics & install space).

 Yeah, but what about Eurogamer and other press that has revealed the installs, and cutscene lengths in thier reviews?

The install is probably at least double that if they wanted it to be kept secret.

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xplay is sickening ,,honestly they are so pro xbox that's not even funny,,,a brilliant game is coming out and they find one thing about it and try so hard to blow it out of proportion without mentioning a single good thing about the game.

if it was xbox 360 exlusive they would be hyping the shit out of it.I ve seen it many times.adam sessler is like the 13 yo 360 fanboy .

once he was in a wii fit event and he made fun of wii fit in front of the Nintendo representatives there. But when he talks about anything 360 related he is serious and hypes the game,,,like that mediocre game too human,,,,the showed that game like 1100 times on the show without mentioning a single negative for that game.not even the fact that has been in development since 99 and it still looks like a ps2/xbox game.




sorry if i'm missing something, but wasn't the "90 minute cut scenes" thing debunked? ...

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Thank God someone else notices the bias that X-play shows daily.   

ameratsu said:
sorry if i'm missing something, but wasn't the "90 minute cut scenes" thing debunked? ...

 No, several other credible sources have confirmed it since.

Cobertnation said:
Thank God someone else notices the bias that X-play shows daily.

yea man ,,,some one has to be either 360fanboy or blind not to see the bias against both nintendo and Sony on their show.I mean how cheap is this?going to the nintendo wii fit ceremony and make fun of the device infront of the nintendo reperesentative,,,,

Once a caller called and said I ve finished GTA4 on my xbox and i m tried of GTA ,,which game will have the midnight opening in future I wanna try something new ,,,,sessler answered: come on you should not be tired of GTA and you have to wait for DLC for GTA4 ,,,he didn't even acknowledge the MGS4 and the midnight opening for the game.