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xplay is sickening ,,honestly they are so pro xbox that's not even funny,,,a brilliant game is coming out and they find one thing about it and try so hard to blow it out of proportion without mentioning a single good thing about the game.

if it was xbox 360 exlusive they would be hyping the shit out of it.I ve seen it many times.adam sessler is like the 13 yo 360 fanboy .

once he was in a wii fit event and he made fun of wii fit in front of the Nintendo representatives there. But when he talks about anything 360 related he is serious and hypes the game,,,like that mediocre game too human,,,,the showed that game like 1100 times on the show without mentioning a single negative for that game.not even the fact that has been in development since 99 and it still looks like a ps2/xbox game.