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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My friends 360 broke for the second time - he's getting a PS3!

rocketpig said:
ultraslick said:
Plus, if he never had Bioshock, (and lets face it... Mass Effect too)
Then he can pick those games up on the PS3 eventually as well.

Microsoft isn't going to let Mass Effect go to the PS3. They published the game and I think part of them letting EA publish the PC version was to keep it off Sony's console.

 PS3 is one of the best game selling consoles for EA,,,,,I  don't think EA would miss the opportunity to make some cash,,,,,last year after losing to activision, EA said theyll do anything to regain their #1 spot.


it's possibility that ME does not come  to PS3,but  knowing the publisher history , I see that possibility as highly  unlikely.



afterall bioware manager was asked about the 360 exclusivity, 2 weeks ago,for ME2 and he said he cannot cooment on that .(unlike 2 months ago that he said defenitly 360 exclusive .)




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Oh, I think ME2 will definitely go to the PS3. Just not the original.

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Last year the same thing happened with one of my friends....

then he cam over to my house n played on PS3....was very impressed....he actually said Resistance looked better than GEOW (I was like WTF...but stayed silent)

2 weeks later he rings me up n say "hey I got a PS3, whats your PSN ID"

he had a PS1 & PS2 but went for 360 as it was cheaper....I think GT 5 prologue helped to turn him over...but the FF13 trailer was the last nail in the coffin

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Last year the same thing happened with one of my friends....

then he cam over to my house n played on PS3....was very impressed....he actually said Resistance looked better than GEOW (I was like WTF...but stayed silent)

2 weeks later he rings me up n says "hey I got a PS3, whats your PSN ID"

he had a PS1 & PS2 but went for 360 as it was cheaper....I think GT 5 prologue helped to turn him over...but the FF13 trailer was the last nail in the coffin

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Congratz he has just bought the best console ever. PS3 is the best. The competition does not even compare to the powerful PS3.

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my first ps3 broke too but i got it replaced because of the warranty, however my current ps3 tends not to work well somedays. if this one breaks then i can't get it replaced, so i'll have to buy a new one. but don't worry i'm not going to go to the dark side.


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My 360 is over 2 years now and I never encountered any RROD or any of these problems.

Proud owner of all three consoles and handhelds.

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Yeah I'm fairly sure that he can get it fixed if he simply calls MS. The warranty lasts for three years.

He can get the PS3 if he still wants, but why not have a free 360 to go along with it? Worth a try either way.

ps3 is well worth 400 bones

Be honest with nobody and lie to your self MGS4 best game EVER on ps3 :?!!!!!!!