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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what is everyone's top 10 rpg's of all time?

Riachu said:
laziassazn said:
Riachu said:
shio said:
Domo-Kun said:
IMHO JRPG>WRPG, and I've been playing RPG-style games since I was about 10.

WRPGs are, by design, superior to jRPGs. Japanese RPGs are limited by it's archaic linear design, and abuse of non-interactive scenes, and some other things.

That's why you most likely will never see a jRPG reach the brilliance of Planescape: Torment in terms of story, characters, depth, complexity, intimacy and writing.

They are both very different from each other so you shouldn't compare them. What is linear disign anyway?

Linear design is when you play a RPG you go through the game in a Linear path. Where you play a game like FF6 where there isnt much to do except the main quest .

In contrast most WRPG's like oblivion which is really free and less restrictive compared to a final fantasy

FFXII being the exception to the rule since almost all areas are available from beginning to end.  However, the levels of the enemies in FFXII are predetermined where as in Oblivion the enemies in any area you explore has a level dependent on your character's level.


I'll played Oblivion and lots of Final Fantasy's. All stories are linear. The only difference is that Oblivion opens up earlier and gives you access to linear plotlines in the order you choose. It is unique that you can beat the game then do sidequests. However, at the beginning it only gives you one choice...the jail cell. Final Fantasy takes longer to open up but once it does there are plenty of sidequests and mini-games. Usually, once you get the airship the whole world is open to you, just like Oblivion. You can run across the whole world and do lots of things. I think this idea of "open world" versus "linearity" is overblown. Both games have open worlds and both games have side quests. Strategy RPGs like Vandal Hearts are more linear. FFT let you go on sidequests and backtrack, though.

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1. Chrono Trigger
2. Lost Odyssey
3. Secret of Mana
4. Final Fantasy 7
5. Legend of Dragoon
6. Final Fantasy 6
7. Final fantasy 2
8. Grandia 2
9. Eternal Sonata
10. Star Ocean 2


Yep, I kinda mean't them both XD, but honestly accidentally fused the names together - kept them that way because I realized the passive intention afterwards.

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shio said:
the lack of western RPGs baffle me. No wonder most people's lists are filled with inferior such as tons of Final Fantasy ,Tales of and other jRPGs.

 I think you shouldn't attack people for there opinions, I like both genres (as you can see in my list) and I can't honestly say which I like more.


ps my list 

Plane Escape Torment
Mass Effect
The Witcher
Super Mario RPG
Skies Of Arcadia

Hmm, in no particular order...

Paper Mario
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy II(IV JP)
Super Mario RPG
Skies of Arcadia
Tales of Symphonia
Knights of the Old Republic
Paper Mario 2

I left off the Fire Emblem and Kingdom Hearts games, since I don't know if they are acceptable to rpg elitists. :)

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

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ums....hrmmm...lets see...

1) Final Fantasy 10 - stole my heart from the beginning of the storyline till the end
2)Final Fantasy 7 - Help push me into loving RPGs

1. Earthbound
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Xenogears
4. Chrono Trigger
5. Skies of Arcadia
6. Final Fantasy X
7. Valkyrie Profile
8. Fire Emblem 7
9. Pokemon Yellow
10. Golden Sun
It's quite a varied list.

I will mention Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and Enchanted Arms also.

That is a hard question there are so many good rpg's but these must me be my favorites

1 Might & Magic 6 The Mandate of Heaven

2 Wild Arms

3 Legend of Legaia

4 Legend of Dragoon

5 Final Fantasy 7

6 Phantasy star 2

7 Terranigma

8 Secret of Evermore

9 Skies of Arcadia

10 Arcanum


Am i realy the only one to even mention might & magic couse its a classic?

JustMe - MoM is a classic. I was suprised that someone mentioned Mandate of Heaven, which was the start of a run of 3 great MoM games.

My Top 10:

1. Chrono Trigger
2. Betrayl At Krondor
3. Final Fantasy VI
4. Phantasy Star II
5. Morrowind
6. Super Mario RPG
7. Secret of Evermore
8. Knights of the Old Republic
9. Soul Blazer
10. Dragon Quest III

Honorable Mentions: Earthbound, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Phantasy Star IV.

I could probably list a decent Top-30 if I needed to :-p

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

10- Fire Emblem: Radian Dawn
9 - Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
8 - Chrono Trigger
7 - Pokemon (Red-Blue) Version
6 - Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King
5 - Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link
4 - Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
3 - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
2 - Super Mario RPG: Legend Of The Seven Stars
1 - Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic