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Forums - Gaming Discussion - To Wii only owners who are pissed at 3rd parties' attitude.


I like your sig, I also hate them all equally haha.

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No, I have a PC

i was planing on getting ps3 and wii from the start just like last gen when i had gc and ps2, i am gonna get ps3 in few months but thats not because of 3rd party games i can get them on pc

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

I've already got a 360 for my online gaming, but a lot of those games that everyone is complaining about not getting on Wii don't really interest me. So I really don't buy all that many 360 games cause I could care less to ahve every stereotypical shooter available or every game with Tom Clancy in the front.

My 360 is there for online gaming with Halo 3 and RE5.

I have a Wii, but I also have a pc/ps2 and I am getting a 360 at some point. I just follow the good games, so I don't really have a brand loyalty for any particular console.

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OP says that owning multiple consoles this gen is a must. He is so right. My Wii has provided some of the most fun and engaging experiences I have ever had in my 20+ years of gaming. Still, owning AT LEAST one other console is a must. Games like GTA IV, Halo 3 (shut up. Halo 3 was awesome), MGS4, Mass Effect and Gears of War are MUST PLAYS. There is no "one stop shop" console this gen. Unfortunately, there isn't a "I won't miss anything buy not owning it (IWMABNOI for short)" console either.

Yes and no, I already owned and sold them but I plan on rebuying one in another year or two. I own a pretty bad ass PC but I want FFXIII and FFvXIII... but who knows, I might not find a new PS3 necessary if enough good RPGs make there way to PC, DS, and Wii over the next two years.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Yes, I think it is a must to own at least 1 HD-console besides your Wii. This is because the differences and the target audiences vary so much that the games on the systems are totally different. If you want a good overview of what this entire generation has to offer, get a Wii and 1 (or 2) HD-consoles!

- I first bought a Wii @ launch. Formerly, I was a Nintendo consoles-only gamer. But the PS3 had more pro's then con's and has a Blu-Ray player, so after the formatwar had been decided I also bought a PS3.


Shameless said:
Red4ADevil said:
No its not going to force me since i didn't plan to get the other two because of that.

 Because they have good third party games? I'm confused.


Before all the *wiis not getting third party support* fiasco i wanted a PS3 and 360 for the exclusive games like god of war and lost odyssey and such.

Seeing as I've had my fill of standard-controller-based games, having been experiencing new iterations of what amount to the same games for the last 20-odd years, I'd have to say no. I don't feel particularly sad that third parties are dedicating most of their efforts into making the same games I've been playing for two decades but with slightly better graphics, sound, and gameplay, and putting them on other systems. If they want to continue that route, that's their choice, but I'll be over here playing something worlds apart and worlds more fun than insert-number-at-the-end cash-ins and same-y clones of past iterations of games.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.