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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubi tries to bail out

trestres said:
@Grimygunz: You don't seem too intelligent at all. First of all, Red Steel was bought because of the hype it got before it was launched, and because it was a LAUNCH title, there wasn't much to play on the Wii at that time.

Second: NMH was developed by a team who has developed good games, but none of them sold at least 1/3 of NMH. NMH is considered to be succesful by them, in fact their first success, after Killer7 sold TERRIBLY BAD on a userbase of 100 million (at the time).

@Rocketpig: Ubisoft made promises to their old followers, a lot of them from the GC, they promised good games or at least QUALITY games, they have to be ashamed after saying we would see SMG or MP3 like quality from them, ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT.
I couldn't care less if they decided not to develop for the Wii anymore, but lie to us like that?
Did you ever see the examples of games he gave? Driver(Terrible port), PoP(Quick cash in) and Red Steel (Bad game that sold well cause it was a launch title).

@All haters: I think the people who call us whiners are the little kiddos in the end, that can't stand Wii gamers get some good games, or you just bitch for no reason since WE DO HAVE A REASON to show our disgust, you don't.

THe point i was making is that red steel wasn't as good as NMH and sold more. Do you think that most gamers have a clue about the creator of 90% of the game that come out. killer 7 sold bad cause it was EXtreamly different from everything else at the time.

From ubisoft perspective do you honestly think it make a difference that red steel was a luanch title. Luanching with zelda the same week oppose to a game coming out with endless ocean in the same week. The sales are whats gunna talk for them and sales of core games dont seem to be on the rise for them on the Wii. And a boycott on the by wii owners will only push them further away from a system that im sure they want to make good games for.

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This is the traditional definition of the word:

To abstain from or act together in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion.

I don't think anyone is trying to coerce Bethesda, we just think they suck. We're also not organized in an alliance vowing to stop Bethesda's suckage, so that's two differences.

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sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:
ItsaMii said:
rocketpig said:
sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:
sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:
Wii owners sure are a whiny bunch. So what if Ubi doesn't have any games for your console? Why do people care so damned much? Is there some sort of legal obligation forcing all developers to make games for the Wii that I'm missing here?

Then don't release ANY games if you don't care about supporting the console with good games.

So the CEO is a lying douchebag? That's your complaint?

If that's your barometer for liking or disliking a company, your list of boycotted companies must be about two miles long.

No most developers that don't want to support the wii come out and say it. Ubisoft lies and then says it ok you get this game. Not to mention that ubisoft was the first to support the wii and made two decent games for it and a good port. Now they ignore it and release shovelware?

So what? There are plenty of companies whose games I don't buy.

Seriously, the people on this forum sound like petulant children who just had their favorite lollipop taken away from them.

I agree. It is almost as pathectic as those user complaining about Fallout 3. The industry does not have to cater to their tastes.

Fallout 3 is a kick in in the balls to those who previously enjoyed the series.

There's quite a bit of a difference there. It would be akin to George Lucas signing off rights to the Star Wars movies to Uwe Boll. People have a right to complain about the direction the series is going. The big difference is that I don't recall hearing the word "boycott" once in any of those discussions. People just said they aren't going to buy the game.


Then that is the same thing as boycottin.

" abstain from buying or using: to boycott foreign products."

 I don't like the texture of cooked cherries therefore i am boycotting cherry pie.  If you want to get that picky about definitions then we can all just say that we boycott everything we don't like by not buying it.  Usually boycotts refer to something you would normally buy but are abstaining not because of the quality of the product, but because of the company that makes it or the region from which it came.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

rocketpig said:
This is the traditional definition of the word:

To abstain from or act together in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion.

I don't think anyone is trying to coerce Bethesda, we just think they suck.

 Yet the definition I posted is still a valid, and works in the way we are using it.

Alright I'm going to boycott Data Design.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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amp316 said:
Alright I'm going to boycott Data Design.
Go ahead, btw I changed my sig. Is that more fitting?


sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:
This is the traditional definition of the word:

To abstain from or act together in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion.

I don't think anyone is trying to coerce Bethesda, we just think they suck.

Yet the definition I posted is still a valid, and works in the way we use it.

Um, okay. Then I boycott birth control pills and diaphrams every day.

Being male makes it considerably easier to maintain this boycott, but Goddamnit, it's a boycott none-the-less.

Also, I'm very gay today. Using words out of context or defending usage through obscure definitions is fun! 

Or check out my new webcomic:

@Rocketpig: It's exactly the same, GC owners and many PS2 and XBOX owners who now have Wii played BG&E, PoP, Driver, FarCry on their previous consoles, and they were considered by Ubisoft last gen, this gen, nah Wii owners mean crap to them, they rather give us a dirty port that looks better on GBA or a NEW game that is worse than any game released by DataDesign.

You are a hypocrite if you say Fallout fans have the right to bitch for Fallout 3 while we don't.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

trestres said:
@Rocketpig: It's exactly the same, GC owners and many PS2 and XBOX owners who now have Wii played BG&E, PoP, Driver, FarCry on their previous consoles, and they were considered by Ubisoft last gen, this gen, nah Wii owners mean crap to them, they rather give us a dirty port that looks better on GBA or a NEW game that is worse than any game released by DataDesign.

You are a hypocrite if you say Fallout fans have the right to bitch for Fallout 3 while we don't.

No, because those games will be playable, just not on your system. Fallout 3 is an entirely different game bought out by a company intent on changing the franchise.

To boot, you didn't see Fallout fans create 15 different threads in two days to bitch and moan en masse.


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RolStoppable said:
Profcrab said:

I don't like the texture of cooked cherries therefore i am boycotting cherry pie. If you want to get that picky about definitions then we can all just say that we boycott everything we don't like by not buying it. Usually boycotts refer to something you would normally buy but are abstaining not because of the quality of the product, but because of the company that makes it or the region from which it came.

I give this post a 9.1.

I'm boycotting Rolstoppable (and Austrians in general), since I don't like review scores.