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"imagine that on E3 EA is showing SSX Blur 2 whith enchanced Blur 1 graphics and balance board support and after that ubi is showing their snowboarding-shit game with N64 graphics. man that would make my day" By Waron..

Laughed very much

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Yep, Blur is/was awesome!... Hope they make a sequel, heard the game didn't sell too well!


bearing in mind it was released 3 -4 months after launch on a relatively small installbase with no advertising at a time when Zelda was still being played, Red Steel was still popular, only 3 months prior to Wii Resi Evil 4 and I believe it was EA's first non ported Wii attempt.

VGCharts has it tracked at 170,000 with US only so I reckon with Others it could be 250,000 onwards. Again relatively (in terms of attach ratio of when it was released and in it's height of sales) - outside of My Sims, this may be one of EA's best Wii successes.


It could benefit from a price drop though.


I still play it occasionally, last time was January I think.

My wife loves and ssx series so we picked this up about a week after launch. She's had a great time with it. Should watch her play using all the motion controls - its like she's having a fit :p

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Lord_Sothoth said:
Should watch her play using all the motion controls - its like she's having a fit :p

vid or it didn't happen :)

I added this game to my "Must Have Wii Games" list. And I will certainly be playing this game. The Wii-mote controls is what definitely got me hooked on the game :D

StarcraftManiac said:
Yep, Blur is/was awesome!... Hope they make a sequel, heard the game didn't sell too well!

if they made a sequel i hope they make it to support the balance board

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Yea I was actually thinking of making a topic on this over a week ago, but I figured someone had done it before.

It's sade that it didn't break a million, I think SSX:Tricky was hell of good it probably sold more than SSX:3 (over a million) but Tricky isn't tracked here. However Blur could be considered a sales flop, the game it self I hope in the future will be recognized.

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Man, you guys are selling me on this game right now. My fav snowboarding game of all-time is N64 1080, I never tried 1080 Avalanche or any other SSX. I think I'm going to give this one a try.