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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - It's not the Wii it's your TV

NJ5 said:
colonelstubbs said:
Not everyone can afford state of the art televisions....some of us can barely afford a console

Luckily, this thread is not about buying HDTVs, it's about how to maximize your picture quality if you already have one.


Fair dos

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Naum said:
zero129 said:
Wii owners please dont even buy a HD tv, its a wast of time..

Really??? say that to my 1080p projektor with a 116" screen.


You sir FAIL.

After playing numerous gamecube games and Wii games on a 60-70" TV, I've gotta say that they look great so it isn't the TV.

I think it's more a matter of the player.  After playing Brawl, I suddenly started noticing a lot of visual problems with Melee.  I'd just went from something crisp, clean, and new to something older.  I think that's where a lot of PS3/360 fans are coming from.  They get used to HD visuals and then switch to the Wii and find it to be a step backwards.  Of course, then they ignorantly blame it on the TV. 

I have my Wii connected via component cables to my Sony AV received which does the scaling and outputs to the 42" plasma screen through the HDMI cable. The result is really extrodinarily good, probably because the AV receiver has better upsampling ability than a TV.

Smidlee said:
bdbdbd said:
Smidlee said:
TheBigFatJ said:
dsch: Samsung actually includes good scalers with the TV set. If your friend had component and set things correctly, it could look fairly good.

(1) Set it in the Wii settings at the main channel. You don't need to set it per game, it's a system setting.
(2) Buy component cables here [Final-Fan: embedded the link 'cuz the old link as breaking the quote boxes.]
They're good, solid component cables and will give you great performance.
I have a 720p Sharp Aquos with component connection and can clearly see the image is a blowed up 420p image. Oh Yeah it sharp alright, all those big jagged edges.

Your TV probably has a poor scaler. Wii games should look reasonably smooth. My set is 50" and Wii games look good, although PS2 games look very jagged (of course, connected via component also). 360 games look fine as well.
The problem isn't poor scaler as a scaler mostly muddy up a blow up image (making the doubled pixels less noticeable) so it's not as obvious the image is blowed up. Scaler works the best for DVD movies which my HDTV seems to handle very well.
I've heard about this issue too from few people. Apparently some TV:s have better scaler for interlaced content, than progressive (too weak processor). After all, 480p/60 requires (more than) double processing power compared to 480i/60 or 480p/24.
Even enhanced upscalers have their limits especially when it come fast moving images like sports. As someone mention GC ,Ps2 games look worst than Wii games just like PS game look worst than Ps2 games on HDTV. The reason is you are blowing up a poor resolution with PS being the worst.(even PS2 have a option to improve PS games by mudding up the pixels) Thus upscaled Wii games doesn't look as good as upscaled PS3 games (running in 480p).
That doesn't explain reports that Wii games look significantly better/worse on different HDTVs. Or am I wrong and people are just assuming that their TV is better/worse at displaying Wii games than others?

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

i have a 1080i 37" lcd tv, Wii games look much better than they do on smaller or standard def tvs, but still nowhere near my PS3/360

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Yes that would be part of it. The other part is the fact it only displays 480p. Compared to PS360 displaying in 1080p.

zero129 said:
Wii owners please dont even buy a HD tv, its a wast of time..

My Wii looks so much better on my new HDTV via component than on my old SDTV via composite Mr. FAIL.


Naum said:
zero129 said:
Wii owners please dont even buy a HD tv, its a wast of time..

Really??? say that to my 1080p projektor with a 116" screen.



Compensating for something are we?

 Someday in the super future it will all be projections and holograms and time machines, with personal robot butlers and Christopher Lloyd working in the garage: like I am sure you have at your hydro thunder mansion of power.

But until then, we will have to get by with our "peasant level electronics".  /end sarcasm 


 peas·ant  (pznt)n.play_w2("P0137700")

1. A member of the class constituted by small farmers and tenants, sharecroppers, and laborers on the land where they form the main labor force in agriculture.
a three-dimensional photographic image produced by means of a split laser beam [Greek holos whole + grammē line

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

TV's are a tricky business so i'm not surprised by the mixed results. I play Prime 3 at 576i on my Chinese no name CRT and it looks slightly better than 480i and runs smoothly. For some strange reason i can't play Galaxy at 576i because the game starts dropping frames. Obviously the TV doesn't like Galaxy's 50hz signal.

However when i'm at home i play on my 37inch HD-CRT and i'd take the flat screen challenge any day with that TV. On that TV even GC games that did 480p looked extremely crisp, F-Zero for example. CRTs still just have better picture, a shame they are so bloody big.

My personal opinion of why people don't experience that same issues with the 360/PS3 is that they both have very good scalers built into them. So no matter what the game is rendered at 480P,540P,587P,640P,720P, 1080P the tv gets the exact resolution it wants. Even the cheap HD sets can handle that.

This was an issue people rarely discussed when 1080P vs. 720P was a big cost difference and people said 1080P wasn't worth it . But scaling to 1080P is very easy and clean.

I also watched a Firefly dvd on my friends tv and it looked like crap. I think he had it hooked up with composite cables as well. I never knew what badly handled deinterlacing looked like before but I do now.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt