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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - How is Eternal Sonata?

I really want this game. It's easily my most coveted 360-only title. I'm a musician, and the entire concept really intrigues me. That fact that it looks stunning is an added bonus as well.

I wish Namco would give us more info on that ps3 port. :(

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ill probably see about picking up a copy when i got some extra cash lying about then.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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If you can get over the art style (some of the character models were a little too fruity for me) and the melodramatic characters, it is a fantastic game.

THE best JRPG on the 360, which I know isn't saying much, but when you play this game after being disappointed by almost everything else on the platform, it'll feel like an even better game.

Get this game without hesitation, it is easily better than DMC4 and LO, if only because it is so fresh and a sigh of relief for JRPG fans on the platform

i rented it and the game was great. 3rd best rpg on x360 behind only mass effect and oblivion

It's a pretty decent APRG.

BEAUTIFUL GLORIOUS CELL SHADED GRAPHICS WITHOUT COMPARISON. HD monitor is a must for the true glory of the game.
Decent length + 2nd playthrough is pretty good (40hrs on first playthrough)
Good combat system.

Battle system gets stale
Story is nonsensical in a "what are they even talking about" over-your-head sort of way.
Dungeon/Level design is rather...Meh. Very linear.

Alot of people are split on ES - some think it's the best JRPG on the 360 thus far due to the fact that Namco actually tried something different with the combat. Others think that ES fell short in the story and level area..

I'd give it a solid 8.25. Not perfect, but a must-play RPG for the 360. Can't wait for Verspria, as ES is a good primer for what can be accomplished (and hopefully blown out of the water) for a cell shaded JRPG on the 360.

I'm about 35% of the way through my 2nd playthrough. The Party Level 6 Harmony Chains are just glorious (but too easy to use)....300,000+ damage, only to be repeated over and over by each character makes the game insanely easy later on in the last uber-dungeon.

But for me, the story is just...ugh. No annoying Maro/Shu characters in ES though...Beat gets a little annoying, but hes OK for the most part.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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I bought Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata at the same time and I ended putting ES away for a few months and coming back to it. The battle system is excellent. It keeps you engaged and you can't just button mash your way through battles. I loved the art style as well as the sound track of the game. Given the focus on Chopin, its not unexpected that the music is great but its worth mentioning.

Unfortunately where ES failed is the story. The story was awful. One point in the game, a leader of a certain country did something so inexplicably stupid that I damn near stopped playing the game. The other flaw is that the game in extremely linear and has only one real side quest. After finishing the game, I had no desire pick it up again. I may pick it up at some point to do some more achievements but more than likely it will sit in its case and go untouched. Part of the reason I'm looking so forward to Tales of Vesperia is because I'm hoping the game can take the best parts of ES, its excellent art and battle system, and combine them with an excellent story line/characters and some additional side quests to help with re-playability and depth.

when i finish LO il sell that and get eternal sonata, it looks good, god knows why it hasnt sold well, but i think il get it on 360 instead of waiting for it on ps3.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Skeeuk said:
when i finish LO il sell that and get eternal sonata, it looks good, god knows why it hasnt sold well, but i think il get it on 360 instead of waiting for it on ps3.

 I don't claim to be god when I say this, but I'd say it was the art style that put most uninformed consumers off this game. 

CAL4M1TY said:
Skeeuk said:
when i finish LO il sell that and get eternal sonata, it looks good, god knows why it hasnt sold well, but i think il get it on 360 instead of waiting for it on ps3.

I don't claim to be god when I say this, but I'd say it was the art style that put most uninformed consumers off this game.

It also didn't help that it wasn't advertised that well and why would the art style be a problem. I though cel-shading was famous now


Actually Eternal Sonata was advertised, in the US at least. I remember seeing the commercials for it. I remember wondering why didn't MS advertise Blue Dragon as much as ES was advertised by Namco.