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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do you believe MGS4 will determine PS3 NA's success or final fate.

The game will have no real effect on the market but the 80gb PS3 will bring PS2 users to this generation. Sony won't be really breaking into this generation until they can cut the cost of the PS3, and that won't happen until Sony is making money on the unit, and we all know that won't be for atleast another year.

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Hard to say, if it doesn't do well, Sony will keep floating with just its head above water.

If it does do well, Sony could speed up the process of passing the 360 from four years to two.

Riachu said:
MorgZ said:
im a 360 fan boy (also own a wii) and would defo buy MGS4 if it was on the 360. Sounds like the sort of game Sony need to make the PS3 a more attractive purchase. So far for me its only got:

- Cheap Blu Ray (although right now im still enjoying cheap HD-DVD's when they're still out there)
- MGS4

Anything else i feel i can get an equal product on the 360.

The main problem for Sony is that its AAA titles are not out until 2009 (imo).

Sony's AAA games

Resistance 2

Killzone 2


White Knight Chronicles

*Please feel free to think up anymore

 @Riachu: I hope you didn't plan to use that list as a counter argument to MorgZ post...

I don't think any game is going to help Sony do well this generation.

The only thing that could possible help Sony is Blu-Ray....and right now that pendulum is swinging their way.

Well, if we're to believe VGchartz, PS3 is been outselling 360 in NA week in, week out, so I think it's safe to say PS3's fate in NA looks kinda locked right now even before MGS4 debuts. After MGS4 it can only get better. I seriously doubt the Xbox 360 will be able to outsell the PS3 for a single month in NA at least until GoW2 debuts and we'll see what the future brings.

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super_etecoon said:
I don't think any game is going to help Sony do well this generation.

The only thing that could possible help Sony is Blu-Ray....and right now that pendulum is swinging their way.

Depends on what you class as 'doing well'

As Buzz Aldrin once said, 'second comes right after first!'

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Just as the Wii came off of the bandwagon rush resulting from its launch where everyone assumed it would not only dominate this generation but every single third party game, the PS3 is comming off of the bandwagon rush where everyone expected it to kill the 360 and become the prodominant HD console. Neither fall really hurt the Wii or PS3, but both put each console's place in the market in perspective.

MGS4 is most likely the last measure anyone is holding as the PS3 future potential. Where ever the PS3 is after MGS4 launches is most likely where it will remain the rest of this generation.

Onimusha12 said:
Just as the Wii came off of the bandwagon rush resulting from its launch where everyone assumed it would not only dominate this generation but every single third party game, the PS3 is comming off of the bandwagon rush where everyone expected it to kill the 360 and become the prodominant HD console. Neither fall really hurt the Wii or PS3, but both put each console's place in the market in perspective.

MGS4 is most likely the last measure anyone is holding as the PS3 future potential. Where ever the PS3 is after MGS4 launches is most likely where it will remain the rest of this generation.
that;s not wise,,,price drop is much more effective than a single game,,,,just lok at what 100 did to PS3 from last year to this year,,,,and it  still is the most expensive gaming machine





its not like that its one of many other great games that it will determinate its succeese not mgs 4 alone however it will boost it a lot

if it's up to one game alone to "save" a console, it's a pretty sad state of affairs.

so I say it won't determine PS3 NA's success or final fate

I do agree with the posters saying that it should go a long way in the short term of perhaps boosting software/hardware in the region though.

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