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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you think MGS 4 can sell 1 million on it's first day?

Acording to an article on IGN due to high production costs mgs 4 would need to move 1 million sales on the first day. Now i'm wondering if this is even possible. What are some of you're thoughts on the matter?

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Uhh... confirmed misinterpretation.

Anyhoo, no.

1 mil first week.

I think it is possible anyway as the game is pretty hyped!

It would need to have some good take-up in Japan to do so though, and that may not happen! I think 500,000 from both the US and the EU first week isn't totally out of the question!

I mean GT5:P managed 400,000 on week one in the EU and that was only a 'demo' as people call it, and this is a full game! We will have to just wait and see.

EDIT: Never noticed first day... no hope in hell for that! First week = yes! 

foolpittier said:
Acording to an on IGN due to high production costs mgs 4 would need to move 1 million sales on the first day.  Now i'm wondering if this is even possible. What are some of you're thoughts on the matter?

Kojima himself said that months ago. Anyway, if the pre-orders are around 400k ww, then it should be able to do 1 mil ww.


Yeah, I think this question is kind of obvious. Yes, it will. Worldwide, that is.

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@ Machina

That's the same thing I don't get.

Why does day 1 matter so much? That's why the quote doesn't sit well with me.

Did they take out a massive 60 million dollar loan that's due June 13th or what?

This was just a mistranslation, but I think it is possible. I'm guessing at least 700k on day 1.


Fist day= no
First Week= yes

I dont get where IGN got that ass number but how does that make any sense? 1000000 day 1 or day 30 is still 1000000.Im sure that the game will make a good profit, but I do not think it will happen as soon as Konami would like.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Apparently the one-million statement was incorrect or something.

Do we count pre-orders as well? If so, then the answer is most likely yes. Otherwise it's probably no.