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Forums - General Discussion - U.S. Democratic primary endgame

Their endgame=get tough about issues, ie terrorism, don't be hippies about stuff or John McCain FTW!

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She will lose the final primaries on Tuesday night and the greater majority of remaining super delegates will pick Obama. This will push him over the 2117 delegates needed and she will concede by Wednesday or even as early as Tuesday night.

But, it will either be her or Richardson (New Mexico Gov) as Obama's running mate.

Whatever. As long as hillary is as far away from the White house as possible, I'm good. I'm not thrilled with either Obama or McCain, but I don't hate them. (yet...) I have hated hillary for a very long time. She's a complete retard

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

superchunk said:
She will lose the final primaries on Tuesday night and the greater majority of remaining super delegates will pick Obama. This will push him over the 2117 delegates needed and she will concede by Wednesday or even as early as Tuesday night.

But, it will either be her or Richardson (New Mexico Gov) as Obama's running mate.

 It's 2118, actually.  Anyway She might can a few delegates tomorrow but Obama will clinch it.  I believe he will pick someone else as VP.  Biden might work or Edwards for the Southern contingent.  He has to play his regional cards right as he wins big in cities and suburbs relative to the 2004 outcome.  He needs to work on the Midwest and the South.  But I'm for McCain anyway.  

Biden wants to be Sec State, not VP.

The short list as of now probably looks like this: Edwards, Clinton, Clark, Webb, Strickland, Warner, Richardson, Sebelius, Napolitano. Clark would be my pick, though I like pretty much everybody on there except Clinton.

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Obama/Gore FTW.