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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Apple gaming rumour rises again.

The Apple brand name has a lot of sway in the technology world. Still, it's going to take some serious innovation for anybody from the outside to break into the console buisness at this point. If Apple can bring innovation, I'll welcome them with open arms. If not, they need to give that classic controller back to the kid they stole it from, and leave the games industry alone. Buying three consoles to play everything on the market is hard enough.

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I'm thinking a lack on  innovation will be offset by the iTunes distribution model...basically bringing Steam PC gaming to your TV from the looks of it.

oh god...not Apple fanboys

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I think there's a very high chance Apple will enter the consoles race.
Even if they don't win, they'll still make profit, with their mark-up prices.

Gaming is becoming too popular to be ignored.

darthdevidem01 said:
oh god...not Apple fanboys

 Hahahaha, Sony fanboys complaining about a possible influx of Apple fanboys!  That is priceless.

 I give this thread a 9.1 overall.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

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Apple could squeeze out Microsoft from the video games market and we would have Apple, Sony and Nintendo. The weakest player gets squeezed out as we have seen in the past with both Sega and Atari and countless other companies.

Apple entering the game console market would be a long shot. It would be a better chance of apple entering the market than Sega and Atari re-entering the game console market.

^^ I aggree.I would buy an Apple console over a Microsoft one any day.=]

I would buy an Apple console over both Nintendo and Microsoft.
Sony PlayStation consoles are my first choice.

Apple tried to enter the market once ... does anyone remember the Pippin?

I think there could be a set-top race in the next generation.
However, given the condition of the web and the reluctance of some people to hook up their game consoles to the Internet (as well as some providers having problems with large downloads), I think digital downloads only is not yet a completely viable worldwide technology.

Plus, Apple is considered to be at peak with Mac at 10 percent of the computer market. That kind of share puts you in outcast territory in the console race.

Mike from Morgantown


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