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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubisoft Games per console

DMeisterJ said:
SHMUPGurus said:
colonelstubbs said:
The OP pretty much destroyed all of the Ubisoft complaints with one post there.

Nice work

Not really. As someone else already posted here, we're not complaining over the quantity of games, but the quality (and the main purpose) of the games they are making.

And to the other people that say they enjoyed Rainbow Six Vegas or Assassin's Creed... We wonder why? :

They were both good games...

 Yes, and it was easy to make them good with lots of production value. I would be surprised if Ubisoft made an average game on the 360 or the PS3 to fund a great Wii game. We won't see that for a while (and probably never will).

What I'm saying here is why can't they make something that's better than their average Petz and Dogz games for the Wii? Why downgrade the quality of the games they make on that system and not downgrade the other games they make on HD consoles? It's just unfair if you ask me. =\

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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NJ5 said:
ArtofAngels said:
NJ5 said:
colonelstubbs said:
The OP pretty much destroyed all of the Ubisoft complaints with one post there.

Nice work

Are you being sarcastic, or are you just clueless?


Your signature says it all.

What does my signature have to do with the validity of your argument?


 That you don't want to accept the truth ;).

Think twice next time when you buy a console...

Exclusives eh?

I'd rather Red Steel over PS3's Haze and I'd rather No More Heroes over 360's Naruto: Rise of a Ninja.

In fact, the Wii has the best exclusive out of all 3 consoles.

RolStoppable said:
konnichiwa said:
NJ5 said:

What does my signature have to do with the validity of your argument?

That you don't want to accept the truth ;).

Think twice next time when you buy a console...

Indeed. After the disappointment of GTA IV I think NJ5 regrets to have bought a 360.

 He has a X360  what the fuck is whining about then?  I really don't see why a X360/Wii owner would complain about the UBISOFT games when he can play the good ones on the X360.  Why should he boycott them?

Quality over quantity. Having one great game is better than 17 shit ones. Even if ubisoft had made one great wii game, I could put up with 20 other shit ones. But they have made nothing worth playing at all.

On the other hand Capcom have not given the wii as many games but have given much better ones, granted some are ports and spin offs. But I would take RE4, RE UC, Okami, Zak and Wiki, over anything ubisoft have put out on the wii.


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Yey, 25 Wii games this generation!

1) PetZ.

2) DogZ.

3) CatZ.

4) Imagine BabieZ.

5) PetZ 2.

6) DogZ 2.

6) CatZ 2.

7) My HorseZ and Me.

8) Me HorseZ and Me 2.

Etc... Yes, I'm really pleased with Ubisoft's support!

Oh: And for Red Steel: The game sucked and was flawed in MANY ways.

And for No More Heroes: Suda developed it. Ubisoft was merely the distributor for American territories. Rising Star games distributed the game in Europe for example.

I'd rather have 15 Good games for my system then 25 crap games.

X360 and PS3 are atleast getting BG&E2 and PoP!


NJ5 said:
ArtofAngels said:
NJ5 said:
colonelstubbs said:
The OP pretty much destroyed all of the Ubisoft complaints with one post there.

Nice work

Are you being sarcastic, or are you just clueless?


Your signature says it all.

What does my signature have to do with the validity of your argument?


Absolutely everything, it's not like even when presented with the facts your going to say to yourself:

"Oh crap I'm an idiot!" and take it out of your signature.

Internet fact No. 1: 

Fanboys never ever ever swallow their pride.

This is getting a bit out of hand....
What's Benkenobi doing?

--OkeyDokey-- said:
This is getting a bit out of hand....
What's Benkenobi doing?

 Playing TF2 :P

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Ubisoft was responsible just for the American version of No More Heroes. This version added blood onto the original concept, deleted the awesome music video clip Heavenly Star that Europeans and Japanese got, released a typical booklet when the Europeans and Japanese got a colourful, manga-esque magazine-booklet.
Rising Star published No More Heroes for Europe.

wii number: 8166 7045 0170 7783 (don't forget to inform me if you add me)