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Yey, 25 Wii games this generation!

1) PetZ.

2) DogZ.

3) CatZ.

4) Imagine BabieZ.

5) PetZ 2.

6) DogZ 2.

6) CatZ 2.

7) My HorseZ and Me.

8) Me HorseZ and Me 2.

Etc... Yes, I'm really pleased with Ubisoft's support!

Oh: And for Red Steel: The game sucked and was flawed in MANY ways.

And for No More Heroes: Suda developed it. Ubisoft was merely the distributor for American territories. Rising Star games distributed the game in Europe for example.

I'd rather have 15 Good games for my system then 25 crap games.

X360 and PS3 are atleast getting BG&E2 and PoP!