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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Eyetoy didnt became popular as Wiimote/Wii balance board did?

I suppose you have a point there. From a purely results-based standpoint, the Balance Board does give a more consistently accurate stream of data (though it has a lot more garbage data to sort through). A lot of the issues with the EyeToy stem from its tracking resolution and refresh rate, which are both quite low. Effectively implementing use of it means you have to encourage slow-yet-broad movements so the camera properly tracks.

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the wii remote is not comparable, the wii balance board is however.

The eyetoy did get a lot of games, well a lot compared to other peripherals. Im sure theres about 10 dedicated games for it, and probably the same again with minor support, but very few of these are actually worth playing and non 'define' the eyetoy. Typical of a sony product, its put out some nice hardware onto the market and is expected to make its own way with third party support and it just didnt come.

The wii balance board not only comes with a game that is worth the outlay for, its also a game that has a massive appeal, especially to non gamers, be that a non gamer who owns a wii, or the non gamer who lives with a more common gamer who owns a wii.

Nintendo showed they were putting their weight behind it too, giving the game and board as much E3 exposure as their flagship game, Super Mario Galaxy. You didnt see sony doing that with the eyetoy. They do seem to be changing their ways a little with heavier backing of Singstar and The Eye of Judgement, although i think the latter was a utter waste of time.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Eyetoy games were shit, that's why.

There's a lot of reasons, but this basically sums it up. It might have been supported with better games had it come with the ps2 at launch and Sony published quality titles for it. Originally, I liked the idea of the Eye Toy and had to give Sony props for advertising it, like they did, but my opinion changed after I actually tried it out. The controls are horrible. It picks up noise too easily. There's a motion blur issue and it has latency problems. Not to mention it just not that precise. Nintendo used a completely different design philosophy and took it seriously, and it shows. It helps, that the Wii-mote measures motion in 3-d, works as a controller simultaneously, and has port for other peripherals, making it way more functional.

Kasz216 said:
Also the Eye Toy is a rip off of the "Dream Eye".

Dreamcast rules.

True, but isn't the DreamEye a rip-off of the GameEye concept Nintendo had planned for Stage Debut and that was based off the 64DD Capture Cassette and the much older Game Boy Camera. I'm surprised no one ever brings any of that up.

Same reason why a wiimote for the GC wouldn't be as great as the Wii itself. If you "train" and market your fan base or a long time to play with a controller and then throw in a new peripheral that has little software support and poor marketing, then the peripheral's success wouldn't be as high as one that had came bundled with every console and marketed as a "unique type of gaming" from the start.

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As others have said, difference between Wii Remote and Eye Toy is, that the other is a default controller and the other is a peripheral.

Then again, the difference between Eye Toy and Balance Board is, that when Eye Toy was literally given perception of toy, meaning that it's something that you can easilly pass, Wii Fit has been given just the opposite perception, something useful. With Eye Toy, you saw kids playing around, trying to reach something that doesn't exist, with Wii Fit you see grown ups doing workout.
Of course, Eye Toy had the pilates game, but who's going to workout, when the games name says that "it's not real pilates".

Marketing plays a big part in the success of product. As you have noticed, competetive PR is trying to marginalize Wii, against the common perception, by calling it a toy, when Wii is the least toy out of the three.

And Balance Board has 4 preassure sensitive spots = four scales. Edit: And i forgot to add about Eye Toy, that it basically only had games dedicated to the Eye Toy audience, basically the same issues, that all the PS2 peripherals had. It didn't even try to expand its audience beyond the "target" demographic. It would be a similar thing, if Wii Remote would only be used in Wii Sports, Wii Play and few other minigames. Balance Board is still a question mark, but it's used in RRR3 (genious move from Ubisoft, they repeat Redsteel/RRR here, people bought Wii Fit and now want more fun and games for their Balance Board) and there are rumours about new Punch-Out using the Balance Board, it seems that BB won't share Eye Toys destiny.

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Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Main reason is simple. Nintendo added a feature that revolutionized the gaming industry standard at the Wii's launch. Where as Sony made consumers buy the add-on seperately at a later release date.

I mean it was successful to some extent because I saw Eye-Toys in my high school workout gyms. But I know now its Wii's now!!! :P

Well, the wiimote needs no's the main controller for the system........everyone has 1, and the games are built around it.

The board and eyetoy comparison is much more interesting: 2 peripherals packaged with their own specific software. Why is the blance board popular, and the eyetoy turned out to be not as popular? I don't honestly know. However, I think that advertising probably had a lot to do with it. I've been bombarded with e-mails from Nintendo, advertising on websites, papers, bus and TV to the point where if I see that green and white box anywhere else, I'll destroy it. The Eyetoy..........I can't recall such a thing happening (does anyone else remember how Sony advertised the Eye Toy?).

thats a very good point ecubj, If sony had marketed the eyetoy with the Nike Kinetic fitness titles they could have done the whole wiifit thing 3 years ago. I have never seen a single advertisement or official announcement that those even existed though and only saw them because i was looking for eyetoy games. Im sure if the wii balance board had the same (ie none) marketing it would be doing equally as badly.

The Kinetic line of 'games' are actually very good and probably come with ore official branding and recognised fitness routines than wiifit itself does. The sad thing now is that sony could well push the concept again with the PS3 and people would accuse them of ripping off wiifit!

nine0nine said:
thats a very good point ecubj, If sony had marketed the eyetoy with the Nike Kinetic fitness titles they could have done the whole wiifit thing 3 years ago. I have never seen a single advertisement or official announcement that those even existed though and only saw them because i was looking for eyetoy games. Im sure if the wii balance board had the same (ie none) marketing it would be doing equally as badly.

The Kinetic line of 'games' are actually very good and probably come with ore official branding and recognised fitness routines than wiifit itself does. The sad thing now is that sony could well push the concept again with the PS3 and people would accuse them of ripping off wiifit!

So true, but mentally they would, since it would be "riding the Wii Fit wave".

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

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Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.