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As others have said, difference between Wii Remote and Eye Toy is, that the other is a default controller and the other is a peripheral.

Then again, the difference between Eye Toy and Balance Board is, that when Eye Toy was literally given perception of toy, meaning that it's something that you can easilly pass, Wii Fit has been given just the opposite perception, something useful. With Eye Toy, you saw kids playing around, trying to reach something that doesn't exist, with Wii Fit you see grown ups doing workout.
Of course, Eye Toy had the pilates game, but who's going to workout, when the games name says that "it's not real pilates".

Marketing plays a big part in the success of product. As you have noticed, competetive PR is trying to marginalize Wii, against the common perception, by calling it a toy, when Wii is the least toy out of the three.

And Balance Board has 4 preassure sensitive spots = four scales. Edit: And i forgot to add about Eye Toy, that it basically only had games dedicated to the Eye Toy audience, basically the same issues, that all the PS2 peripherals had. It didn't even try to expand its audience beyond the "target" demographic. It would be a similar thing, if Wii Remote would only be used in Wii Sports, Wii Play and few other minigames. Balance Board is still a question mark, but it's used in RRR3 (genious move from Ubisoft, they repeat Redsteel/RRR here, people bought Wii Fit and now want more fun and games for their Balance Board) and there are rumours about new Punch-Out using the Balance Board, it seems that BB won't share Eye Toys destiny.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.