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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Boom Blox price drop

ill check tomorrow if the price dropped around my area,if it did im getting it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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Well, I still find it hard to believe the game is $50 to begin with. I mean, I can believe it because it's EA, but that's really not the price that should be attached to a product like Boom Blox.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

ChichiriMuyo said:
Well, I still find it hard to believe the game is $50 to begin with. I mean, I can believe it because it's EA, but that's really not the price that should be attached to a product like Boom Blox.

yeah it should of started with 40

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Sure, it's a simple concept puzzle game, but it's not the same as buying Tetris Wii ediition.

The game has enough content in it to justify charging regular price (maybe in the range of 40 hrs to finish all challenges), not that the typical Wii owner is going to pay $50 for it.

Judging by current sales, it's safe to say they didn't.

Sales aside, it's still a lot of fun and brings more to the Wii platform in terms of new game play than over 90% of the current offerings. It's a definite keeper.

cant wait to get,around 40hrs seems long which is good,i wouldve gotten it earlier but ive bought the big games released from ninty this year

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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That way it can get more sales, i mean, $50 for a puzzle is too much money, the "casual" audience ain't gonna pay that much.

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Falcon095 said:
That way it can get more sales, i mean, $50 for a puzzle is too much money, the "casual" audience ain't gonna pay that much.

yeah your right,hopfully it will be able to become a million seller in its life time

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Maybe longer; that's just my rough estimate. The later challenges start to get harder and I've only finished 36% of the game in maybe 6-8 hrs, not counting all the repeat plays I did just for fun or to get a better score.

My total play time has probably gone well over 10 hours already.

I just went to show some 3rd party support on Zack & Wiki and Okami, but this is a must buy. Between this, ZDub, Okami, Rock Band, NMH, Lego etc., PES 2008, this game drought may end up being the summer of the 3rd party

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

greenmedic88 said:

The game has enough content in it to justify charging regular price (maybe in the range of 40 hrs to finish all challenges), not that the typical Wii owner is going to pay $50 for it.

 Forty hours seems kinda high to finish all the challenges. I've gotten golds in every single player challenge, about a third of the co-op ones in 25 hours of playtime. That's with only a tad of competitive multiplayer (which is great) and almost no real time in the level creator. So it's a fairly bulky game and most of the varying modes are really well fleshed out. The level builder is pretty well designed. You've got a tool to resize blocks with simple click and drag, one to repaint blocks whatever you like, there's plenty of pre-made sets of things. Whole game is pretty thoughtful on the whole, odd for an EA game.