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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony paying for exclusives

a year and 7 months too late

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They are aiming for Nintendogs!!!! And even worse, they want it just to add it to Home!!!!

By me:

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ssj12 said:
windbane said:
Yakuzaice said:
colonelstubbs said:
Sony need to stop trying to buy EVERY SINGLE EXCLUSIVE

Lair, Haze, Killzone...

They should focus on the proven winners, the MGS, FF and GTs of the world

Killzone is from an in house studio. Sony really needs to start paying to get some RPG's and other Japanese centric games.

I agree, buy RPGs. Also, isn't there already a deal for GTA V?

Sony owns a decent chunk of Square Enix.This is why FFXIII and FFvXIII are exclusive.

For GTAV Rockstar was the ones who said that only Blu-ray will fit it.

Since Square Enix is also making games for other consoles, including the 360, I don't see any reason for future Final Fantasy games to remain exclusive. Even though Sony has a strong stake in SE, unless Sony pushes some cash their way, I don't see SE staying that exclusive.

I'll give that post a 9.4.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

He said thats something we can re-evaluate! Did they re-evaluate or is it something they might do in the future?????

Obviously exclusivity pushed the playstation brand in the past, and the way GTA series is selling on 360 with extra content going to MS cant help Sony.

What bigger franchises are there?????? then GTA. They really needed that as an exclusive and also GOW3 Sony needed to have GOW2 spruced for the PS3 it was nice for PS2 owners but it sucked for PS3 having the best game that mont released on PS2.

here Kaz's full response to the question

KH: That’s something that we can re-evaluate, but it’s also something that the publishers need to make a business decision on. Ultimately, it becomes a dialogue – if it makes sense for them to go exclusive, that’s a business decision that they need to make. But generally speaking, because of the investments that publishers need to make in this round of hardware, it’s going to be more difficult for publishers to make that decision. Where we come into the picture is to have that dialogue with the third-party publishers, to say: “OK, what can we do together if it’s not exclusive that makes the PS3 version of the game more compelling for the consumers than any other version?” Let’s face it – all the games are coming out on a Blu-ray disk which has 50Gb capacity, so let’s put in some making-of content, or maybe additional levels. Also, it really becomes important for the first-party studios to really come up with some envelope-pushing, genre-defining content.

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ssj12 said:
windbane said:
Yakuzaice said:
colonelstubbs said:
Sony need to stop trying to buy EVERY SINGLE EXCLUSIVE

Lair, Haze, Killzone...

They should focus on the proven winners, the MGS, FF and GTs of the world

Killzone is from an in house studio. Sony really needs to start paying to get some RPG's and other Japanese centric games.

I agree, buy RPGs. Also, isn't there already a deal for GTA V?

Sony owns a decent chunk of Square Enix.This is why FFXIII and FFvXIII are exclusive.

For GTAV Rockstar was the ones who said that only Blu-ray will fit it.


good news, more PS3 exclusives will be good for all PS3 owners.

rocketpig said:
Why do you care if something is exclusive or not?

You should only care if the game goes to a console you own or it doesn't, not whether said game also goes to a competing console.

Exclusives are often of better quality than multiplat games.  Especially if the dev gimps both versions of a big game because of the limits of one console like Rockstar did because not all 360s have hard drives to stream the world from.

Still, I don't actually think it pays off for Sony or MS themselves to pay for exclusivity, in dollar terms.  MS's BD/LO deal comes to mind.

Well, Rockstar already said that they are worried about the limitations on the DVD for GTA V, and if Sony decides to throw a bit of cash their way, then I could easily see GTA V being PS3 exclusive

Its about time they did! I've said it many times that Sony should do it as well, like MS is doing. As I'm worrying too much about exclusive titles running off to other platforms. Why shouldn't they do it? If you have the money in the pocket for it, I don't see the harm of it to keep your own games to yourself if else devs running off to other companies who're doing the very same thing. At least the title stays at its "home console".

I want that Star Ocean IV, Valkyrie Profile exclusive on the PS3! If Sony would have done it sooner, we would have seen Tales of Vesperia perhaps first and only on the PS3... waaaaaaah! *getting loco*. Not to imagine titles in Japan like Monster Hunter 3 and Ace Combat 3 for instance.

I know people would say, get a 360. Yeah would have bought a 360 long time ago, but the RRoD is the enemy kicking me, of not to.

@Rocketpig, poetry? If that will help to get that depressed look from your face, please do so! Normally I wouldn't really recommend it, as poetry can even be more depressing

Correction: Ace Combat "6" of course

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