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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Deal : $299 ($399 40GB + $100 Gift Card) at Wal-Mart

whatever said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
twesterm said:

Note that this isn't a PS3 for $299, it's a PS3 for $399 where you get a $100 gift card after purchase (meaning you can't use it on the PS3).

But as Matt said, Wal-Mart is a grocery store too (though their quality on fruit and veggies sucks) so it might as well be cash. Just make sure you're ready for a $399 hit in the wallet and not a $299.

Good find!

Actually you couldn't.

It's a Blu-Ray Gift card.

This means you can only use it on Blu-Ray movies/games.

On it doesn't say anything about it being Blu-Ray.

Both sources above specify Blu-Ray, I bet it is because that makes more sense.  They move both flavors of inventory that aren't selling.

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The actual Walmart link:

simply shows a $100 gift card (online only). I would trust this more than the other links.

AFAIK the "blu-ray" gift card can be used for anything at wal-mart, if someone has proof otherwise i'd like to hear it.

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The confusion probably came because it's a "blue box" online gift card, not a blu ray gift card.

I have the sale paper right here(plus Im department manger of electronics)and I tell you its for blue ray only lol. Ofcourse this online deal is diff to the ones that is run instore. The instore runs from june the 1 to june the 7 while the online runs at a diff date. The online special gift card can only be used online to. Hope this clears things up.

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Edit: Others have said it, no need to be redundant. It's not just Blu-Ray.

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oh, its a blu ray gift card.

In that case delete my previous prediction above. Being that it is limited as such it won't drive as much business as I was thinking.

If Wal-mart makes this deal widely known, I believe they could potentially move a lot of PS3s. Yeah, a person has to front the $399 initially, but it's easy to spend $100 and more on a new controller, games, etc.

EDIT: if it's a Blu-ray-only card, then the effect would be much less, but could still be quite an effect in NA... we're talking about Walmart, here.

This is for online shopping only. I'm a brick-and-mortar sort of guy, so I wouldn't do it, but I'm sure there are plenty who would. And I can't find anywhere that it says it's Blu-ray only... just Blue-Box.

I just see Blue Box Online Gift Card. I also read the fine print and didn't see a thing about Blu-ray movies. Only restriction was must be used online at or

This looks like the deal I have been waiting for
Thanks for the heads up I'm probably gonna buy it!

I just wist the deal was through Sams Club, instead of Walmart, Sams Club warranty/returns is better than Walmart.