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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I am truly annoyed at the wii

Hawk said:
*~Onna76~* said:
dib8rman said:
lol anyone can click a Wii game on vgcharts, hell I could go to my friends house and take a picture of his Xbox360 and games, the point is that on the internet short of live video feed you can not and it isn't safe to verify much as 'fact'.

However your argument sais what it sais, I'm not arguing what it sais, "I'm just holding up a mirror." You didn't seem to like it though.


So you're saying I'm a liar? I could invite you in and see for yourself that I don't own 1 but 2 WII's (Japanese and American), but guess what? You're not even welcome.

It is uncalled for, to say she is lying. I know she is not. I disagree with Onna, and think she tries to put a negative spin on the Wii (I don't understand her bitterness towards the Wii). But she's got integrity.

 She thinks the Wii is going to kill the JRPGs because the PS3 isn't selling in Japan.  

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Thanks Hawk.

I simply don't like the WII that much as I used to and that ain't from just a few days or weeks, but for months, if not a year. If you didn't notice my complaints from last year then you simply weren't around here or didn't pay enough attention. I even got personal messages that I shouldn't be so concerned about the games on the WII. Then I speak about last year long before the Mario Galaxy release, which I totally adore!. So it ain't a spin, I just don't like the way the WII is going, for "me", since a long, long time. But saying that I'm all of the sudden someone else, hate the WII, or being a liar? Go on and you won't see me around here for long.

But you know what? I won't say anything negative anymore about the WII as you won't see me anymore in any WII topics unless I find it necessary to say something "extremely" positive. I've had it with these long term discussions, I really have

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

Kasz216 said:
Hawk said:
*~Onna76~* said:
dib8rman said:
lol anyone can click a Wii game on vgcharts, hell I could go to my friends house and take a picture of his Xbox360 and games, the point is that on the internet short of live video feed you can not and it isn't safe to verify much as 'fact'.

However your argument sais what it sais, I'm not arguing what it sais, "I'm just holding up a mirror." You didn't seem to like it though.


So you're saying I'm a liar? I could invite you in and see for yourself that I don't own 1 but 2 WII's (Japanese and American), but guess what? You're not even welcome.

It is uncalled for, to say she is lying. I know she is not. I disagree with Onna, and think she tries to put a negative spin on the Wii (I don't understand her bitterness towards the Wii). But she's got integrity.

She thinks the Wii is going to kill the JRPGs because the PS3 isn't selling in Japan.

To be fair, I'm sure many JRPGs would be better on the PS3.

JRPG controls are almost all pretty much the same. Select menu item, watch battle scene. Push button, scroll through dialogue.

The Wii's unique controls are not going to add much to this genre unless the genre's key features are retooled or otherwise modified. For someone who truly appreciates and enjoys the way the games work currently, that's not a good thing. If the PS3 alternative is not only keeping the controls you like, but doing so with enhanced graphics, larger and more lush environments, and more... there's really no comparison. The PS3 option wins hands-down.

I disagree to a point with some of what Onna says, but I'm right with her when it comes to traditional RPGs and that's okay. RPG developers should choose the platform that will allow them to create the best game possible, not necessarily just the one on the console that you or I own. ^_^

Onna, please correct me if my thoughts are way off base.

*~Onna76~* said:
Thanks Hawk.

I simply don't like the WII that much as I used to and that ain't from just a few days or weeks, but for months, if not a year. If you didn't notice my complaints from last year then you simply weren't around here or didn't pay enough attention. I even got personal messages that I shouldn't be so concerned about the games on the WII. Then I speak about last year long before the Mario Galaxy release, which I totally adore!. So it ain't a spin, I just don't like the way the WII is going, for "me", since a long, long time. But saying that I'm all of the sudden someone else, hate the WII, or being a liar? Go on and you won't see me around here for long.

No problem, and sorry for saying I'm not sure it was you ;). No, I've noticed the complaints for a while. It just seems you've made a 180 deg turn on your view of the Wii since the beginning. If you do think it's potential has been wasted as Rol said, I can't argue too much there. I think so much more can be done with the Wii, but it's just not happening as much as I'd like. But, I do so highly enjoy what games I do have on the system.  And they are not all geared towards younger and unexperienced players  ;)

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:
Hawk said:
*~Onna76~* said:
dib8rman said:
lol anyone can click a Wii game on vgcharts, hell I could go to my friends house and take a picture of his Xbox360 and games, the point is that on the internet short of live video feed you can not and it isn't safe to verify much as 'fact'.

However your argument sais what it sais, I'm not arguing what it sais, "I'm just holding up a mirror." You didn't seem to like it though.


So you're saying I'm a liar? I could invite you in and see for yourself that I don't own 1 but 2 WII's (Japanese and American), but guess what? You're not even welcome.

It is uncalled for, to say she is lying. I know she is not. I disagree with Onna, and think she tries to put a negative spin on the Wii (I don't understand her bitterness towards the Wii). But she's got integrity.

She thinks the Wii is going to kill the JRPGs because the PS3 isn't selling in Japan.

To be fair, I'm sure many JRPGs would be better on the PS3.

JRPG controls are almost all pretty much the same. Select menu item, watch battle scene. Push button, scroll through dialogue.

The Wii's unique controls are not going to add much to this genre unless the genre's key features are retooled or otherwise modified. For someone who truly appreciates and enjoys the way the games work currently, that's not a good thing. If the PS3 alternative is not only keeping the controls you like, but doing so with enhanced graphics, larger and more lush environments, and more... there's really no comparison. The PS3 option wins hands-down.

I disagree to a point with some of what Onna says, but I'm right with her when it comes to traditional RPGs and that's okay. RPG developers should choose the platform that will allow them to create the best game possible, not necessarily just the one that you or I own. ^_^

Onna, please correct me if my thoughts are way off base.


I'd agree... yet i'd also disagree. I mean, if you look at nearly every RPG that isn't Final Fantasy you see RPGs that never pushed the boundries graphically. Most like your Suikodens and Disgaeas are low budget afairs (which Disgaea 3 looks like Disgaea 1.)

System is basically meaningless as far as tech specs go. If it wasn't for the Wii for some of the smaller budget and best loved RPGs i'd fear that they would get unnoticed and outpriced by the false "minimium" level of graphics that people seem to hold up the HD cosnoles too. (Like when people complain a game isn't the right resolution.)

In fact, considering the razor thin budjets RPGs are made on, (since they sell to a very niche audience.) i'd argue that you might end up with less on PS3 then you would on Wii. Basically if you spent the same small budget you'd get more from the familiar though less powered Wii then you would the powerful but unknown cell. (which requried extremely optimized code.)

For example, lets look at Disgaea 3. Why did it take so long to make? Because Nippon Ichi spent like... a year studying the PS3 before they programmed anything. Disgaea 3 sold fine for a disgaea game, however it will likely take a few more PS3 games before he "makes back" his lost time spent studying the engine. This may be why we have suddenly seem a vast number of cheap Nippon Ichi remakes for the hand held consoles.

If you have a hefty budget to throw around and are making a really expensive RPG like Final Fantasy, the PS3 makes most sense for making the "best" rpg.

However if you are talking about your average JRPG. I think Wii development would give you more bang for your buck. If the Wii didn't exist I'd wonder if we'd be getting a lot of the mid to low range budget RPGs which are the ones usually most loved by the RPG core.  Or if so, they might not live up to their PS2 namesakes.  

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Kasz216 said:

I'd agree... yet i'd also disagree. I mean, if you look at nearly every RPG that isn't Final Fantasy you see RPGs that never pushed the boundries graphically. Most like your Suikodens and Disgaeas are low budget afairs (which Disgaea 3 looks like Disgaea 1.)

System is basically meaningless as far as tech specs go. If it wasn't for the Wii for some of the smaller budget and best loved RPGs i'd fear that they would get unnoticed and outpriced by the false "minimium" level of graphics that people seem to hold up the HD cosnoles too. (Like when people complain a game isn't the right resolution.)

In fact, considering the razor thin budjets RPGs are made on, (since they sell to a very niche audience.) i'd argue that you might end up with less on PS3 then you would on Wii. Basically if you spent the same small budget you'd get more from the familiar though less powered Wii then you would the powerful but unknown cell. (which requried extremely optimized code.)

For example, lets look at Disgaea 3. Why did it take so long to make? Because Nippon Ichi spent like... a year studying the PS3 before they programmed anything. Disgaea 3 sold fine for a disgaea game, however it will likely take a few more PS3 games before he "makes back" his lost time spent studying the engine. This may be why we have suddenly seem a vast number of cheap Nippon Ichi remakes for the hand held consoles.

If you have a hefty budget to throw around and are making a really expensive RPG like Final Fantasy, the PS3 makes most sense for making the "best" rpg.

However if you are talking about your average JRPG. I think Wii development would give you more bang for your buck. If the Wii didn't exist I'd wonder if we'd be getting a lot of the mid to low range budget RPGs which are the ones usually most loved by the RPG core. Or if so, they might not live up to their PS2 namesakes.

Part of the problem here comes from the belief that a PS3 title must have ultra expensive HD graphics which really isn't the case.  You can make a low budget RPG on any console for all that goes.  The difference is that the PS3 gives you the flexibility to have a bit more horsepower if you need it.  Once you decide to go with the Wii, you become much more limited.  We're not talking PS2 versus Gamecube limited where the power difference was present but not extremely pronounced... we're talking a substantial difference in capabilities.

It's fair to say that not all the titles will use that, but it is an option. 

As far as Nippon Ichi's research goes, I'm not familiar with that but I'll bet we'll see more PS3 games from them.  The more use that put their knowledge to on the PS3 and the more games they make, the more they subsidize the cost of that research. 

amp316 said:
Diomedes1976 said:
amp316 said:
Dumbing down something that never was very good? Wow. Nintendo never has had anything very good and they've dumbed everything down? I don't think people that speak like this have ever played the Wii and just want to justify their high priced purchase. Tell me, have you ever played a game with Mario in it or are you scared off by cartoon characters because they're not manly enough?

Nintendo has had very good things.And its current core games are extensions of those.But they arent developing in the same way as its casual and marketing based approach to mass market gaming.Their old franchises are at least keeping the old NIntendo fanboys with the Wii and showing that some core games can least if they have Mario written over it.

I am not scared of cartoon characters.They just dont motivate me at all.Or at least ,they dont motivate me most of the times.Playing one of these each year or two years is allright ,have a complete lineup based on mascots ,virtual pets and the like is for most adults not interesting at all.Nintendo fans tend to think that others just think they are more manly because playing violent games ,beating prostitutes etc.It doesnt have anything to do with that,ot at least it doesnt have anything to do with that for good amounts of players.Nintendo fans have REAL problems figuring out that many grown up people just dont relate the same way with cartoon characters and official pets as what they did when they were 10 years old.But not ,they CANT get it ,it must be that they want to beat some more prostitutes or play some bald space marine to feel more manly isnt it?

No. It's because we like the games. Do you think that we play Mario games because Mario's cool? No it's because his games are. I've also been a Space Marine and enjoy that stuff too. Beating up prostitutes doesn't appeal to me, but I guess it does to some "men". I just take exception with you saying that the new Wii titles of old existing games are dumbed down. Super Mario Galaxy has gravity effects in it that have never been imagined in other games. This is not dumbing down. Mario Kart Wii has been accused of having a lame AI which won't let you win no matter how good you play when in reality, 95% that you don't win it's because you didn't race well enough this is not dumbing down either. I could argue that "mature" games have been dumbed down and to be honest I'd be pretty much right. Wii Fit might not be your type of game but it shows that Nintendo is still willing to try something different and not stick with the same old same old ( Generic FPS # 975,238) . I DO get it. You don't. This is not a rant against fans of Sony or Microsoft. I do like some those games. It's a rant against your statements.

 no your good guy i ment your response was teh slap to teh face for those you directed it at 



Thanks Hawk, my last message I meant in general, not to you personally, but I guess you figured that one out

Also thanks to Words of Wisdom and to others who at least understand a tiny bit of what I was trying to say.

I'm off gaming, see ya.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

Combine the PS3 and 360 numbers and the hardcore base is still bigger than the Wii base. Now there are many ways we might see them move into the next gen:


A. Sony and Microsoft try to copy cat Wii and somewhat retain there old hardcore status - unless they do a flawless job both will stagnate as they are now or 1 will get booted out of the comp.(remember Wii sells well due to cheaper games and cheaper hardware... there will be near or no advancement in the next system)

B. 1 simply gets kicked out next gen if they both go hardcore(if the Wii factor continues there won't be enough room in the market for 2 HD consoles as prices for software and hardware only go up).

I most likely see M$ trying to capitalize on it, there system isn't invested in anything major other than LIVE which would be no different w/Wii like games; Sony is invested in Blu-ray which will keep costs high so they may incorperate it but mostly as a side feature. Sony won't be able to compete in japan w/nintendo on the Wii factor so they might as well stay HD. But all in all our games are almost guranteed to see lower budgets in the next gen which could put traditional games more in the gutter and make it "an endangered species." But this doesn't change the fact the higher up are going to shift resources in the direction because neither console has any of the demographic the Wii is capturing.

BengaBenga said:
shanbcn said:
Don't worry it doesn't matter how well WII sells, 3rd party support will always be with PS360.

So why were people making petitions for Fatal Frame and Monster Hunter again?

 And people for Resident Evil 5?

And people made petitions for FatalFrame and Monster Hunter?  People care about Monster Hunter?  Or are you talking about a Japanese website?  Enlighten me but I almost never saw a forum member here around who was excited about Monster Hunter or even started a thread about it..