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Combine the PS3 and 360 numbers and the hardcore base is still bigger than the Wii base. Now there are many ways we might see them move into the next gen:


A. Sony and Microsoft try to copy cat Wii and somewhat retain there old hardcore status - unless they do a flawless job both will stagnate as they are now or 1 will get booted out of the comp.(remember Wii sells well due to cheaper games and cheaper hardware... there will be near or no advancement in the next system)

B. 1 simply gets kicked out next gen if they both go hardcore(if the Wii factor continues there won't be enough room in the market for 2 HD consoles as prices for software and hardware only go up).

I most likely see M$ trying to capitalize on it, there system isn't invested in anything major other than LIVE which would be no different w/Wii like games; Sony is invested in Blu-ray which will keep costs high so they may incorperate it but mostly as a side feature. Sony won't be able to compete in japan w/nintendo on the Wii factor so they might as well stay HD. But all in all our games are almost guranteed to see lower budgets in the next gen which could put traditional games more in the gutter and make it "an endangered species." But this doesn't change the fact the higher up are going to shift resources in the direction because neither console has any of the demographic the Wii is capturing.