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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Sega Should Release a new Console


It's a pretty funny read. Heres a summary if you don't want to read it:


Main Point= Sega is better at hardware than software, so to become profitable again they should release a new console.

-Sega had been a failure for almost 15 years, and Sega is in financial trouble today.

Solution- Make an HD Console more powerful than the PS3 and sell it at a heavy loss to attract a player base (LOL)


-Most Gamers are 30-35 and will come crawling back to Sega

-Could establish itself as a "3rd console" (HD) and achive a plethora of ports in a very short peroid

-All Gamers will surely welcome back good old Sega!


-Include a Blu-Ray player

-Have a "we're back" ad campaign

-Copy Xbox Live


I think the guy is nuts lol. Personally I would love to see Sega retun and would buy their console for sure. The only way I can see it happening though is if something crazy happens, ie Capcom buys Sega Sammy, and secides to make a console that launches in 2009-2010 and Capcom manages to get Namco to be a 2nd party or gets a 3rd party contract that Namco can only make games for handhelds and the "Sega Pheonix" or whatever they would call the system.

Do you guys think Sega should return? And what do you think of the article? :P


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Solution- Make an HD Console more powerful than the PS3 and sell it at a heavy loss to attract a player base.

^ That is why Sega shouldn't made one;..

Segata Sanshiro is alive though (Post in Kotaku). If he went on a world tour judo throwing those who did not game seriously and for fun, not caring what others thought, it would not only solve all Fanboy conflicts but.... well, involve a lot of battery chargers.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

was he being serious or just joking around

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

He was being serious. This thread has given me an idea of my own, and I just gotta post it as a new thread :D