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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 and its struggle with multiplatform FPS visuals

The Cell processor's SPE's give the PS3 more power on paper, but it's difficult to wring it out. Comparing the architecture of the 360 to the PS3 is like comparing apples to oranges. Unfortunately for PS3, most game developers don't spend huge amounts of time on non CPU/GPU optimizations. This may change over time, but it goes against the grain of the current development model.

Yeah, I know... I'm going to get flamed for not bowing down to the almighty Cell...

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Skeeuk said:
BrayanA said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Games that matter more : GTA IV, COD 4, Devil may Cry 4, Burnout Paradise City and Assassins Creed. All superior versions on the PS3.


Burnout Paradise City - minor advantage many advantages especially dedicated servers

Devil may Cry 4 - same! ps3 version superior, loads times are absolute minimal, and looks ultra crisp

COD 4 - same! dedicated servers on ps3, also free

Ahhhhh i see! Dedicated servers are the most important thing in graphics. Hahahaha.

Assassins Creed - 360 is better.
Gamespot - Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison: Round 3 - Assassins Creed
"The game looks beautiful on both systems, but we did notice that the Xbox 360 has sharper textures with better 3D-depth simulation readily noticeable in the flat cobblestone streets. Edges look great in both games, as do graphical effects such as shadows, smoke, and lighting. The extra time it takes to install the game on the PlayStation 3 doesn't seem to give the console any benefits over the Xbox 360 in initial or subsequent loads of the game."

gamespot gave both 360 and ps3 version of game a 9/10, but during the comparison shots as expected gamespot didnt set the rgb setting on the ps3, hence the ps3 looking a bit washed out, ive played both versions and they are the same apart from what fanboy eyes want to see.

taken from gamespot review "There are few differences between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. PS3 owners are blessed with a slightly more solid frame rate, although the 360 version features a little more contrast in the lighting(set the rgb setting and it will look the same), so it's pretty much a wash. But regardless of which platform you go with, you'll have an amazing and unforgettable game. Assassin's Creed is the kind of game you tell your friends about, and one that should be in your collection. "

GTA IV - 360 is better.
360 - native 720p, AAx2
PS3 - 640p, no AA

most reviews claim ps3 version overall has the edge technically

Show me some links of thouse reviews, just as mine from Gamespot!

Gamespot - Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison: Round 3 - GTA IV
"The PlayStation 3 has a nearly 10-minute-long installation sequence, which helps slightly in terms of in-game loads. However, saved games take equivalent periods of time to load on both machines. If we had to definitively pick a version, we'd go with the 360's rendition of the game for its crisper visuals"

no mention of a more realistic look to the game on ps3, no mention of really bad pop-up in places on 360 version

More realistic look to the game on ps3? You mean the vaseline effect? Hahaha!

Videogamer - GTA 4: Xbox 360 vs. PS3 - 360 Wins
"if you own both consoles and want to buy the best version, we'd have to recommend the Xbox 360 game. While both games are more or less functionally the same, the Xbox 360 game looks significantly sharper to our eyes and features more natural lighting"

videogamer, totally fanboy site. no mention of really bad pop-up in places on 360 version, they dont know what there talking about, majority or reviewrs are agreed ps3 version has the technical edge.

Majority? Show me this "majority"? I give you links! What you give me? NOTHING! Empty words! This is not my opinion! This is Gamespots opinion and it cost more then 1 000 000 sony fanboys opinions!!!

Videogamer, totally fanboy site?!? O! I see!
360 game > PS3 game = fanboy site.

Eurogamer - PS3 GTA IV almost certainly 630p
"The PlayStation 3 version of Grand Theft Auto IV almost certainly runs in 630p ... However, Eurogamer's Face-Off compiler and resident big-brain Rich Leadbetter says that while the PS3 version may be a touch blurrier, it's not necessarily inferior. Far from it, in fact ... the PS3's lower resolution serves to mask a lot of the nasty after effects"

even at 630p majority of reviewrs agree ps3 version has technical edge.

Links my friend. Links! LINKS! LIIIIINKS! Gamespot, IGN, Gametrailers, Videogamer, Eurogamer?


Skeeuk, like it or not in "Gamespot: Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison" Xbox 360 has the edge in all rounds:

Microsoft just has some advantages. Essentially most people use their tools on Windows (DirectX with all included VisualStudio goodness) and they use the same (or similar) stuff for the 360.
Whats sad for the PS3 is that there are not as many PS3 only developers as there were for the PS2. Naughty Dog and Insomniac prove that this results in some of the best-looking games of this generation. Microsoft just has an edge in the multiplatform world because they are so close to PC gaming.

Besides we shouldn't forget 360 developers had 2,5 years to get to know the system. PS3 developers 1,5 years and every high-profile game that wasn't ported as an afterthought (I am looking at you Valve) looks just as good on the Ps3 as on the 360.

And for the statement that Unreal3 will look just as good on the 360: The same studio did Gears1 with the same engine. It would be pretty bad if they had problems porting a game..

I think devs will adapt their game engines eventually, investing into R&D. After Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 developing companies would elsewise look like complete incompetents and that's not how you would like to be viewed in the eyes of potential customers.

I think maybe the Crytek people will be able to show off some muscle considering their game engine already is well multi-threaded.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:
I think devs will adapt their game engines eventually, investing into R&D. After Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 developing companies would elsewise look like complete incompetents and that's not how you would like to be viewed in the eyes of potential customers.

I think maybe the Crytek people will be able to show off some muscle considering their game engine already is well multi-threaded.

Personally I don't see anything in Resistance 2 yet that is graphically superior to other games.

As far as Killzone 2, its been in development for way too long and way too much has been spent on it for most developers to even bother competing... If that game doesn't blow every other console FPS out of the water visually, it's the final nail in the coffin for the PS3 and its graphical dominance this gen. Devs just won't bother doing such an elaborate production anymore... Exclusives will look nice for sony as they don't mind spending some cash...but milti games...why would you invest all these resources and time to make a game that looks 10% better when you could do it in 1/3 of the time on the 360 and then port it to ps3. Remember...Epic will release 2 gears of war titles before Guerilla does Killzone 2.

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@Disolotude, I wouldn't rule out ANYTHING on Resistance 2 just yet :D There hasn't been much showing off the Single player campaign at all, and if Insomniac is to be believed, they're hopping for an equal if not bigger gap than what Ratchet and Clank Futures was to Resistance 1 (Which was MASSIVE). Just saying to keep your eyes open for that one :D I have a feeling it's going to blow this year out of the water XD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I totally agree. But i don't think it should be used in an argument for visual dominance just yet :)

Well it might be my Sony blinders of course, but I still think Ratchet and Clank Futures is one of the BEST LOOKING titles to date on the HD consoles :P The sheer scope of what that game accomplishes is absolutely breath taking to me, and if Insomniac wants the jump to be equally impressive, I might just shit my pants ;-;

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I don't know about multiplats, but in terms of graphics anyone will be hard-pressed to find anything comparable to Uncharted, Gran Turismo 5 : Prologue, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank: TOD and Metal Gear Solid 4.

On topic, I agree in spades about SOME of the multi-plats, but I do feel that Sony made the right choice in the end going with the Cell tech, from what I've heard many games of today are being created with multi-threads in mind, as the aforementioned company Crytek was already doing so yes? Microsoft played is safe this generation, and in the short term it will definitely pay off, I just don't think it gives as much "potential" to hold out well enough for the "10 year" cycle.

I mean if I try to think about it, Microsofts next box will do what for more power? Add more Cores? Sony's already on top of that, the next generation of games will almost entirely be multi-threaded, so it's been a pretty rocky and slow start for Sony, but I think they're riding the proper waves :D

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