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MikeB said:
I think devs will adapt their game engines eventually, investing into R&D. After Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 developing companies would elsewise look like complete incompetents and that's not how you would like to be viewed in the eyes of potential customers.

I think maybe the Crytek people will be able to show off some muscle considering their game engine already is well multi-threaded.

Personally I don't see anything in Resistance 2 yet that is graphically superior to other games.

As far as Killzone 2, its been in development for way too long and way too much has been spent on it for most developers to even bother competing... If that game doesn't blow every other console FPS out of the water visually, it's the final nail in the coffin for the PS3 and its graphical dominance this gen. Devs just won't bother doing such an elaborate production anymore... Exclusives will look nice for sony as they don't mind spending some cash...but milti games...why would you invest all these resources and time to make a game that looks 10% better when you could do it in 1/3 of the time on the 360 and then port it to ps3. Remember...Epic will release 2 gears of war titles before Guerilla does Killzone 2.