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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do fanboys turn rabid?

MrBubbles said:
What causes them stop simply enjoying what they have and makes them hate what everyone else has?

They fail their will saving throw versus stupidity.

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It's hard to not become angry when the developers are more or less lying to us. Ubisoft said they were aming for Nintendo-like quality games on the Wii and we get a game about babies, and the decision to port Street Fighter 4 to PS3 and 360 and not Wii was made a long time ago and still people from Capcom come out and say it's a possibility that it will be released on Wii

LordTheNightKnight just said the short version, and ZenfoldorVGI most likely has it right too, even though I would prefer to think he is wrong.

My thinking is this. Everyone wants to be right. Everyone wants their opinion to be right. Everyone needs to have their opinions confirmed as acceptable.

Fanboys are like this as well.
They like a console/game/random-thing-person-team-ideology-whatever.
They like it and they feel good about liking it.
They are uncertain as to whether or not it's actually ok for them to think like this. So they go onto forums, where likeminded people gather. They talk to people who feel the same as they. Everyone is happy.
But here comes the thing.
Someone thinks that they are WRONG.

There are a couple of ways to deal with this.
1. Accept that you have different opinions.
2. Shoot their arguments down with better arguments.
3. Get angry and ignore their arguments.
4. Give up and convert.

Most people choose 2 and 3, and very few of the others post. Most like to correct someone they think is wrong. And a fanboy is ignoring the flaws in his own arguments and do not recognize the merits in counter-arguments. This is due to the amount of emotional capital invested in the object of fanboyism. It's too expensive to change viewpoints. That's why it's so hard to avoid flamewars on the net.

Ofc, this happens very often, and not just on the internet and not just on issues regarding gaming consoles, but it might be particularily visible here. I can see a few factors attributing to this.

1. Anonymity on the internet - this one is really, really important, naturally.
2. The impact on your console on your social life - should NOT be underestimated. At least when young, owning a console, and the right console, can play a major part in who your friends are or are not.
3. The amount of time spent playing - If you spend up to 5h a day playing, it's important to feel good about your choice of console.
4. The age of the average player - Younger people generally need approval of others more than older people. Older people are also generally better at arguing their points calmly.

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Cougarman said:
fanboys are cool what i hate those damn dirty neutrals,

its what makes things interesting!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I am right. Deal with it.

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fanboys r funny lol. dem entertain me.

Actually, I have no problem with fanboys. I understand them.

I guess I am one myself.
What I do dislike is when someone has a valid point and they try to hide that by posting something that lies in the vicinity of it, so the discussion derails into something completely different in the end. This is a tactic that works surprisingly often.

This is invisible text!

Killergran said:
Actually, I have no problem with fanboys. I understand them.

I guess I am one myself.
What I do dislike is when someone has a valid point and they try to hide that by posting something that lies in the vicinity of it, so the discussion derails into something completely different in the end. This is a tactic that works surprisingly often.

Awww now youve gone and spoiled it!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

microsoft fanboys are angry that sony is making a comeback.
sony fanboys are angry that microsoft actually is ahead of them this gen.
nintendo fanboys dont care because they have bragging rights.

i cant really talk because i like sony

Cougarman said:
fanboys are cool what i hate those damn dirty neutrals,

What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?