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Forums - Sony Discussion - what if the next final fantasy is bad?

well the fanboys would get really angree

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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If FFXIII doesn´t deliver, there´s still FF XIII versus, so people will concentrate on it. A lot of people disliked FFXII, but a lot of people loved FFXII as well for the new elements it brought. So the series won´t die anytime soon. On the contrary it will rise, I think FFXIII will complete the gameplay elements of FFXII. Gameplaywise, the latest big steps forward after FFVII were made with FFX-2 and FFXII. Many people, especially in FFX-2 case, disliked these games because their story and character development were weak, however if they manage to deliver these in FFXIII coupled with the revamped gameplay, we´ll have a resurrection.

Darc Requiem said:
Ajax said:
I actually dislike this whole internal FF competition that rises every time on every gaming board. They are all masterpieces in their own right. It's a great series, and even the games that you might like less, are maybe if you take the time to give it a second look, not as bad as you think, and certainly almost always in par with many other rpg series and games.

I disagree.What each person feels about Final Fantasy comes down to three main features. How they feel about the story, how they feel about the characters, and the gameplay. If you don't like the characters or story it doesn't matter how many looks you give a game you aren't going to like and you aren't going to find it to be master piece. I don't like the characters, story, or gameplay of Final Fantasy VII so nothing is going to suddenly make me think I've been too hard on the game. I actually received the PC version of FFVII as a gift from my best friend in 2000. He got it on the cheap and I figured I'd give the game another go round. I disliked more then than I did on PS1.

How a person feels about an RPG is predicated so much on what they feel about the characters and story. For example in my case I didn't like the characters or story of FFX-2 but I thought the gameplay was exceptional and I still didn't like the game because the other parts of the game were so horrid to me. Or in the case of Final Fantasy IV, the story and characters struck a cord with me and even though I liked the gameplay in FFV better, I consider FFIV the better overall game because it was more enjoyable.

Whenever the topic of Final Fantasy is brought up there will always be an internal arguement about what game was best and why. Final Fantasy games vary widely in setting, gameplay, and overall scope. So that in and of itself leads to the love/hate view different people have of different games in the series. I know I really enjoyed FFX but I can see why others did not. The game was linear and didn't have much of an exploration element because of how late you received your airship in the game. That said, I liked the characters and story. For me those elements outweighed the things that bothered me about the game. That is what it ultimately comes down to with Final Fantasy. Each of us has different likes and dislikes when its comes to Final Fantasy. Because the games differ so much it leads to such a wide difference of opinions on each title in the series.

FFX IMO is a linear game done right.  The problem with being linear in an RPG is not linearity but the games would either be too short or have too much backtracking which FFX suffers from neither of them



I have the funny feeling it will be mediocre at best. It's been delayed again and again and there's still not even hope to have it anytime soon. The very little bit we have seen so far only shows off the graphics and a character that is like Cloud, except a woman and an even more generic story than the last few games.

Oh, and then there's the fact they plan to whore the game out for the next 10 years. Sell out?

Ajax said:
I also think that if you say at Squares office that you think the first six were great and the other six bad, they wouldn't even understand you; Nomura, Nojima and Uematsu-san and the others will surely disagree with you; and not just because they made those other games too.

I actually talked to Uematsu-san when I was in Stockholm for his Distant Worlds concert, I met him on the airport of Stockholm the day after the concert (what a chance?!) and he was pleased when he heared my mates and I travelled from Amsterdam to Stockholm to attend his concert, and I asked him which one of them all his favorite is, and he just couldn't answer me, he said he liked them all. But at the end of the concert; One Winged Angel was clearly the grand finale of the concert.

 I could have saved the trouble of looking like a fanboy and told you he would give you that exact answer. 

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This is impossible! Granted there are people who hate every version of FF but there are over 4 million people like me who love every version so my bet is even with PS3's poor user base, FFXIII will outsell FFXII. Why? because its probably going to be the first true JRPG for PS3 (except the last remnant releases first) so there really isn't any competition. The only other RPG series I think rivals FF is the Megaten but it only has a few hardcore fans and the next installment (Persona 4) is for PS2

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

DragonLord said:

I have supreme confidence in Sony. I think there is a bigger chance of MGS4 or Gears of War 2 or God of War 3 or the next Zelda sucking....but I'm also the world's biggest Final Fantasy Fan.

From FF7 on, I've enjoyed every single one...except FFXI which I haven't played.

 We're exactly the same! This is the reason I got a PS3 and also to make sure i can still play 7-12 (not 11) and thats why I think even FFXIV would be on PS3 (maybe 360 also) but definitely on PS3

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

I don't see that happening. Final Fantasy games have always been great. Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be both awesome games


I got a bomb ready to blow up square enix for such an occasion

I would commit suicide.