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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So is it safe to say that Wii won the console war this gen?

Bleu doesn't understand the concept of "clinching a title" that's common in sports leagues around the world. Let's just say that the team in the lead is so far ahead in the table. In that case, whoever's in second can never catch them, no matter how many points they gain even if the one in the lead gets zero points.

As for the PS3, the public perception is clearly against them and would stunt their sales in the long run. PS3 may gain sales, but it's mostly at the X360's expense, as I state all the time.

Finally, it's a "first past the post" system when it comes to hardware sales. Whoever has the highest number of sales wins, every one else loses. Technically, it's possible for a company to win this gen with just a 33.4% marketshare if the sales are that well distributed.

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*bleu-ocelot* said:

Yeah that would be the case,if the PS3 wasn't stunted by its pricepoint(s).Even so,the PS3 continues to sell at a fast pace.So it's still popular,even at a $500/$400 pricepoint.Now if the PS3 was at a $300/250 pricepoint,who do you think would sell more;Nintendo or Sony?

If Wii was at $100 price point and PS3 at a $300/$250 price point who do you think will sell more? 

It's amazing how people think it's impossible for Wii to see price reductions if it has to while Sony can drop the price of PS3 to $5 without difficulty. 

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
Overall, it's games library is still piss weak unfortunately.

So much so, that Wii owners have resorted to hyping up grabage like The Conduit >_>

Crossing fingers for E3 though :)

Once again, when Wii sales dominance pops up, here comes somebody to "get back" at Wii fans with a low blow, to keep them from winning entirely.


Spoiler alert: We love the Wii games we have and the ones coming out soon. We already won entirely. If you would just ignore our happiness and not try to spoil it with foeboy talking points, that would be great, but either way, really.


To the moon!

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I think it's safe to say that Nintendo has won this generation.

As grampy said, Sony and Microsoft fell into the 'bigger, faster, better' trap. Nintendo, meanwhile, tried to do something new, something unexpected, something fun. The sales show which strategy was the most successful. If you think that sales will take a sharp turn towards the PS3 or the 360 now, you have not understood why Nintendo's strategy is actually succesful, and I suggest you take some time thinking about that. In the meantime, read the Malstrom articles. They might help.

The only way to stop Nintendo now would be an earthquake laying waste to their headquarters, or something similar. Of course, everything can happen.

(OUCH, that was totally a fanboy post!)

This is invisible text!

Yes, this generation is over as far as marketshare dominance is concerned. The HD consoles have fired their biggest shots to no avail. Nothing can stop the Wii now. Now Nintendo fans get to sit back and watch the battle for 2nd place.

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Overall, it's games library is still piss weak unfortunately.

So much so, that Wii owners have resorted to hyping up grabage like The Conduit >_>

Crossing fingers for E3 though :)

Once again, when Wii sales dominance pops up, here comes somebody to "get back" at Wii fans with a low blow, to keep them from winning entirely.


Spoiler alert: We love the Wii games we have and the ones coming out soon. We already won entirely. If you would just ignore our happiness and not try to spoil it with foeboy talking points, that would be great, but either way, really.


To the moon!

No, don't get me wrong, I love Wii. It's my favourite console this gen :)

It's just that it has like two decent looking games coming out for the rest of the year.

*bleu-ocelot* said:


Current trends are not a reflection of future trends.What's popular today,isn't necessarily popular tomorrow,and their is still a couple more years left for this current gen.Even longer for Sony and the Playstation 3. What the Wii sells.The PS3 can easily sell if the right price was there.who's to say that the Wii wont slow down and that the PS3 wont dominate the market;one year from now.The PS2 appealed to the casuals also.

In one year, if current trends hold, it'll be far too late. If the Wii is 26 million units ahead of the PS3, do you really think it could make a comeback unless the Wii completely stopped moving units?

I only have my opinion, but I hope you realize that your basing your assumptions on hope, and not what probably is actually going to happen.


Just because something isn't impossible, doesn't mean the chances aren't too slim to hope for. I mean, I could hit the jackpot at a casino too, but you don't see me in one very often. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


--OkeyDokey-- said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Overall, it's games library is still piss weak unfortunately.

So much so, that Wii owners have resorted to hyping up grabage like The Conduit >_>

Crossing fingers for E3 though :)

Once again, when Wii sales dominance pops up, here comes somebody to "get back" at Wii fans with a low blow, to keep them from winning entirely.


Spoiler alert: We love the Wii games we have and the ones coming out soon. We already won entirely. If you would just ignore our happiness and not try to spoil it with foeboy talking points, that would be great, but either way, really.


To the moon!

No, don't get me wrong, I love Wii. It's my favourite console this gen :)

It's just that it has like two decent looking games coming out for the rest of the year.

Pow, right in the kisser.

That said, I do believe that you should count the "E3 game."

Also, Guitar Hero IV is gonna rock, and if you only own a Wii, well that version has DLC too now, so there's a 200 dollar game Wii-only owners gotta buy right there.


Guitar Hero IV, E3 game, Fragile, Fatal Frame IV, and Tales of Symphonia.


Those would be my planned purchases if I owned a Wii.


...which will happen again soon. Earlier today, my 360 gave me the single red light of sickness, and then the Harddrive acted like it wasn't plugged in. I unplugged and fiddled with it and it worked fine, but I got a bad feeling about that, lol. I'm scared and full of regret because of my trade, now.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


--OkeyDokey-- said:

No, don't get me wrong, I love Wii. It's my favourite console this gen :)

It's just that it has like two decent looking games coming out for the rest of the year.

 As yet announced. I will be extremely dissapointed if the Wii doesn't have a sublime E3. 

Also I agree with you somewhat on the Conduit - the game doesn't deserve the hype its getting but the Wii simply lacks FPS games so any FPS game will be hyped. Especially due to the Wiis controls for FPS games. 

For some hypocrite: Yes, Wii won this gen, PS360 win Next gen.

Poor PS3 Sales Means Smaller Losses

"Actually, because the number of units sold was not as high as we hoped, the loss was better than our original expectation," Quotes from Sony’s CFO Nobuyuki Oneda.