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Forums - Sony Discussion - 2K Games confirms "enhanced" Bioshock to hit PS3 in October 2008

How much "Enhanced"?? is the question...

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For all you PS3 players who haven't played the game:

Get through Andrew Ryan's office and then stop playing the game. It makes for a much better experience and keeps the story a lot tighter.

You'll thank me later.

You guys will love this game. The atmosphere is absolutely breath-taking. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

ToastyJaguar said:
apparently any new content in the ps3 version will be made available to 360 and PC users through DLC.

 True and PC/360 users will have to pay for DLC. The beauty of the business world.

Well, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but history is not on the PS3 version of Bioshock's side. If previous statistical trends have any meaning, PS3 Bioshock will not sell that incredibly at all.

If we compare multimillion selling multiplatform games (there's a tongue twister for ya), we find the following:

Call of Duty IV6.043.231.87 to 1
Grand Theft Auto IV5.133.611.42 to 1
Assassin's Creed3.742.661.41 to 1
Guitar Hero III2.981.282.33 to 1
Total17.910.81.66 to 1

Bioshock's sales on X360 were by no means spectacular to begin with, having sold 1.79 million up to today, according to VGChartz numbers. If we take the average ratio by which 360 games have outsold PS3 games, then 1.79/1.66=1.08, which means the PS3 game would barely squeak by a million copies. What's disturbing about this data is that all of these games were simultaneous releases of well-publicized games, not year-old ports. For another comparison, we can take a look at Resident Evil 4's sales on wii (1.6 mil) to get a good idea of how the title should sell.

 I am not suggesting 2K Games shouldn't go ahead and release this critically acclaimed title on a console that would really appreciate it. I wish the improvements they add make this title worth purchasing for PS3 owners. I just wouldn't expect the game's sales to set the world on fire, that's all.

Make sure the shadow you chase is not the one you cast.

@scydrex: I doubt the expectations of a year old enhanced port is going to be anymore than 1 million. 2K most likely used a smaller team and less resources to port to the game to the PS3 since they had well over a year to work on it.

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@Scydrex well if the PS3 version manages to "Squeak by" a massive 1 million in sales, that WAY more than compensates the loss of the port, in fact, that's worth it in spades XD 1 million is still a great target goal for any NEW piece of software :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Thank for your responses, friends.

I never suggested the endeavor will not be profitable for 2K Games. Of course it will. It will cost relative pennies to take all the already recorded voices and story and port it.

I just meant to say that the kind of sales the title will generate will hardly affect the PS3's market share at all in the current gen. Perhaps my intentions were not clear enough on my post.

Regardless, valid observations on your part, bbsin and Chrono.

Make sure the shadow you chase is not the one you cast.

Ahhh, no your very VERY right in that regard :D I don't expect this to be a hardware booster at all xD I see this selling well to people who already have a console :P It being released a year later couldn't have too much impact on hardware xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Point taken, man

Make sure the shadow you chase is not the one you cast.

It's a very good game and I don't say that often. It would be better at 60fps, though I'm not sure if the PC version plays at that rate.