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Forums - Sony Discussion - 2K Games confirms "enhanced" Bioshock to hit PS3 in October 2008

here is the official article:


now two good releases in October:



 Enhanced Bioshock




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I might pick up bioshock, I heard that was the best xbox game

I think i will pick this up too, as long as it isn't a sloppy port!

Had enough of those recently for a lifetime!

Squall_Leonhart said:
I think i will pick this up too, as long as it isn't a sloppy port!

Had enough of those recently for a lifetime!


how dare they bring out that thing the same week as littlebigplanet and take away its sales. just for that i hope the game fails

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This presents a dilemma, with Resistance 2 in November supposedlym and n my student loan i can only really afford a new release every few months...

Decisions decisions decisions!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

obieslut said:
how dare they bring out that thing the same week as littlebigplanet and take away its sales. just for that i hope the game fails

 I'd be surprised if there was much overlap outside of gamers like me who have no problem buying multiple games at once.

I wonder how it will do sales wise. Will PS3 owners care about sloppy seconds, or will they just be happy they are getting it? Will this year old port get over shadowed by exclusives coming out around the same time?

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

I hope that they do a decent port. Either I will pick this up for sure.




Release it at budget price and first day purchase confirmed.