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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why the Wii still won't see so many multiplatforms games

With the Wii success you can expect to see a lot more titles coming to the Wii from third parties.

However I don't think the number of cross platforms HD consoles-Wii is going to increase that much, there will be more but there still be a steady stream of big PS360 games that will not be released on the Wii.

The reason is that first for Western developers Japan is pretty much out of reach ( very few western games have any kind of significant sales in Japan).

So if you look at the worldwide minus Japan you have :

Wii : 20.3 millions

Xbox360+PS3 : 28 millions.

Secondly the HD consoles owner expect their games to be HD and so far aside from games released when the 360 or the PS3 console came out , very few games have come out for the HD consoles that would work too on the previous generation of console ( the exception has been titles like GH3, Iron Man).

By releasing non HD titles on HD consoles the developers risk that their titles will not sell well on those platforms and they still represent the majority of the accessible market for them at this time. By making them HD titles they make them a lot harder if not impossible to be ported to the Wii without major significant changes....

Finally the PS360 market has been the less risky market this gen, very few HD titles with significant development investments and marketing have actually failed, whereas the Wii market is still a bit of an unknown so why take risks when you have a formula that works .

That doesn't mean the Wii will not see a nice stream of third party but those will be exclusives or Wii/PS2. 


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network

nah. I'm still betting on Wii getting primary development on most games soon with PS360 getting ports.

Especially once Wii's marketshare is >50% at the end of this year.

Ail has hit the nail on the head I think.

Now where did I put that Captain Obvious picture...

This'll do:

superchunk said:
nah. I'm still betting on Wii getting primary development on most games soon with PS360 getting ports.

Especially once Wii's marketshare is >50% at the end of this year.

 This must have been a huge discussion topic somewhere else, because that's a pretty bold statement.



superchunk said:
nah. I'm still betting on Wii getting primary development on most games soon with PS360 getting ports.

Especially once Wii's marketshare is >50% at the end of this year.

It won't be there by the end of year on the market that is accessible to the Western developers for sure...

Japan is nice and all but it's just not a market any western developer has been successfull at targetting...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network


It was. I am in disagreement with many a HD console fan. But, that is how it has happened in every other gen, why not this one?

Devs still only want to make money. If the most money to be had is by focusing on a perfect Wii game and porting to PS360 they will do it. Once Wii gets the 55% marketshare and keeps growing it will happen.

Ail said:
superchunk said:
nah. I'm still betting on Wii getting primary development on most games soon with PS360 getting ports.

Especially once Wii's marketshare is >50% at the end of this year.

It won't be there by the end of year on the market that is accessible to the Western developers for sure...

Japan is nice and all but it's just not a market any western developer has been successfull at targetting...

 Where are nearly all of the biggest software developers? or atleast the greater majority? Japan matters a lot.

Ail said:
superchunk said:
nah. I'm still betting on Wii getting primary development on most games soon with PS360 getting ports.

Especially once Wii's marketshare is >50% at the end of this year.

It won't be there by the end of year on the market that is accessible to the Western developers for sure...

Japan is nice and all but it's just not a market any western developer has been successfull at targetting...

 How do you mean Japan is nice? Didn't you notice the wii is doing even better in the rest of the world?

The best Wii third party games will mostly be from minor/independent third party companies, not the major ones.

only a few big companies will release good wii games. the majority will come from developing houses that are not so popular and thay will make awesome games

Wii will see more exclusives definetly.

But even if the math did not add up and wii took over the market share...PC gaming destroys wii alone. And most games can be made to work PS3, 360 and PC route... even Street Fighter 4 :)

Its funny but if this keeps up, PS3 and 360 will have to start working together to stay alive...